India asks Pakistan to use its air space


Minister (2k+ posts)
They are incurring huge financial loses. It is ok for head of state to use it. For normal passenger planes we need some assurance of not violating our airspace again


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
لعنت بھیجو بنیا پر

بنیا پہلے ہی پاکستان کا نمک چاٹ کر بھونک رہا ہے

اب اگر عمران خان نے یہ کیا تو اس سے بڑا بےغیرت شخص کوئی نہ ہو گا

فوج جان کی بازی لگا کر پائلٹ پکڑے، خان فورا چھوڑ دے

پنجابی سکھ مذہب چھوڑ کے علیدہ پاکستان میں آئے، ادھر خان کو گردوارے کی پڑی پچھلے ۵۰۰ سال کی
جنگویں بھول کر

اُدھر ہندو جنگ کرے سدھو بولے قتل کرو، اِدھر خان بولو مارو فوج کو اور قتل کرو ہم تم کو واپس بھیج دیتے ہیں


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakistan should first have a written agreement before we open our airspace for Endians.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Well ! Government of Pakistan must look into very minutely before starting any gesture, keep every doubt on top as India had been doing. What we have come to know is India is busy in partnering with any power to harm Pakistan, they tried using ISRAEL, and are still in deals with Israel for similar sorts of alliances. These things should be kept on the table before any step that allows India to step in Pakistan's space.
If they are sincere go ten steps towards India, IF THEY ARE SINCERE & TRUST WORTHY.
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(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Koi zaroortt nahi khusra aur namardd bn krr Endia ki baat maan krr zaleel honay ki


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
koi zarorrott nahi khusron ki trah Endia ki baat maan krr buzdli aur namardi kaa saboot daay krr lumm late policy apnanay ki aur zaleel honay ki


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
NO!! Big NO and No again! let them simmer and burn for another 3 years.
Put this to national referendum!!


Senator (1k+ posts)
So me a favour!
Just listen to thteir claims, allegations, and bakwas like ghar main ghus k maarain gai, then decide that you want to allow them for it or not.
I would say a big NO!


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
بھارت نے پاکستان کا پانی بند کیا، پاکستان بھارت کے لئے فضا بند رکھے