India announces additional $20 Million for flood aid to Pak.


Voter (50+ posts)
India on Tuesday announced an additional USD 20 million assistance to Pakistan which is grappling with the worst floods in recent history of the region.

The announcement by external affairs minister S M Krishna in the Lok Sabha comes in the wake of Pakistan's readiness to accept India's initial aid offer of USD 5 million which is to be routed through the United Nations.

"As a more concrete assessment of the damage inflicted by this natural disaster and the urgent needs of the people of Pakistan emerges, government has decided to increase its assistance to Pakistan from USD 5 million, announced earlier, to USD 25 million," he said in a suo motu statement.

Of the total aid, USD 20 million would be contributed to the 'Pakistan Initial Floods Emergency Response Plan' launched by the UN office for the coordination of humanitarian efforts, he said.

The balance USD 5 million would be contributed to the World Food Programme for its relief efforts in Pakistan, Krishna said.

He noted that India had offered USD 5 million aid to Pakistan during his telephonic talks with Pakistan foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on August 13.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, in a conversation with Pakistan PM Yusuf Raza Gilani on August 19, had conveyed that India was ready to do more to assist the neighbouring country which is facing the worst floods in the past 80 years.

Pakistan was reluctant to accept the aid and agreed only after a nudge from the US. However, last week Pakistan conveyed to India to route the aid through the UN.

"We cannot remain unconcerned with this grave humanitarian crisis of enormous magnitude in our immediate neighbourhood," Krishna said.

He noted that the recent floods have been described as the worst in that part of the region in the last 80 years.

According to the latest UN figures, 17.2 million people have been affected by the floods which have left 1,600 people dead.

More than 1.2 million houses have been damaged or destroyed besides widespread damage to infrastructure, Krishna said.

"All the four provinces of Pakistan and Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir have suffered the consequences," he said.


Voter (50+ posts)
I donn't know why. But I hate it. taking aid from a country with worlds most poors. Millions of ppl living in slums.... and they are giving aid to pk. sad sad.... india meri jaan... if u think that donation at this moment makes u kind of superior... tO aap hamain jaante nahi.... donn't waste ur money to feel better. spend it on ur slumdogs.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
hehe to furry saheb, zardaari ko bolo na.
Aaj hum pe nazuk waqt hai, khuda na kare ke kal india pe aaye to hum lota deinge.

Murshad Jee


کوئی بات نہیں بھئی

آنے دو امداد انڈیا والوں سے یہ ہمارے پہ ان کا کوئی احسان نہیں ہے ہم نے بھی تو ان کے کچھ ایجنٹوں کو کافی دیر سے اپنے پاس رکھا ہوا ہے جو کہ کھاتے تو پاکستان کا ہیں لیکن راگ انہیں کا الاپتے ہیں

امید ہے کہ آپ سب سمجھ گئے ہوں گے کہ میں کس کالے منہ والے کی بات کر رہا ہوں


Senator (1k+ posts)
hehe to furry saheb, zardaari ko bolo na.
Aaj hum pe nazuk waqt hai, khuda na kare ke kal india pe aaye to hum lota deinge.

lol bhai india madad kisi aur waja se ker raha hai waisey bhi indians ka lotay se kia kaam ...railway tracks pe itna time nahi hota ke lota talash kerein


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
If India had a calamity like that and Pakistan were in a position of donating, I m sure we would do the same. there might be many reasons behind it, but lets be positive and be thankful... Thats what neighbours are for.. When I collected the charity for flood victims from my friends last Saturday and Sunday in UK, I got some from my Indian Muslims friends too.


Senator (1k+ posts)
do not worry we are not givingyou we are giving to the flood affected people ,kids,womenwho have no food no home no medicnes
lol you mean the terrorists , the extremists, the zihadis that kill hindus, the same people who belong to kasaab village ?? why thank you parveen ,how sweet of you guys


Senator (1k+ posts)
India largest recipient of World Bank loans in 2009-10

India with its $1.2 trillion economy was the World Bank's favorite last fiscal when it came to extending financial aid in the form of loans, both among developing countries and the world's poorest nations. The World Bank, through its lending arms IBRD and IDA, committed US $9.3 billion in financial assistance to India in the 2009-10 fiscal, more than the aid committed by the U.S. and the European Union.
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) committed $6.7 billion, or 15.1 per cent of its total lending in the fiscal, to India, according to government officials. In comparison, the second highest recipient, Mexico, got $6.4 billion.

Next in line were South Africa ($3.8 billion), Brazil ($3.7 billion) and Turkey ($3.0 billion). IBRD serves middle-income countries with investment and advisory services.

The increased lending to India is the result of several forces at work. One is the guidance from the G 20 during its November 2008 summit when it directed the international financial institutions to step up their financial support to emerging economies.

The Bank stepped up to the challenge and has made global commitments of $120 billion since July 2008. The increased lending to India thus forms part of a global trend.

Another factor relates to the huge demands of India’s fast-growing economy which needs sustained growth of 8-10 percent to lift some 400 million people out of poverty.

The World Bank's concessionary lending arm, the International Development Association (IDA), which helps the world's poorest countries, committed 17.7 per cent of its total aid, amounting to $2.6 billion, to India in 2009-10.

In contrast, the IDA committed $1.4 billion to Vietnam and $0.9 billion each to Tan****a, Ethiopia and Nigeria. It aims to reduce poverty by providing interest-free credit and grants for programs that boost economic growth, reduce inequalities and improve people's living conditions. Even in terms of actual disbursement, India was the largest recipient of World Bank financial assistance last fiscal, with a total of $4.7 billion -- IBRD (3.4 billion) and IDA (1.3 billion) -- being released, officials informed.

The country was also the largest recipient of assistance from other external funding agencies like the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the UK's Department for International Development (DFID). While IFAD is a specialized agency of the United Nations dedicated to eradicating rural poverty in developing countries, DFID is the part of the UK government that manages Britain's aid to poor countries and works to get rid of extreme poverty.

A fact we all know very well.

New Delhi: India was the largest recipient of 'Aid for Trade' in 2006-07, with the country getting $1.7 billion worth assistance from rich donor countries as well as international organisations for trade-related infrastructure, capacity building and trade policy.
The top five recipients of Aid for Trade in 2007 — India, Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Indonesia — accounted for almost 28% of the total, according to a report by World Trade Organisation (WTO) director general Pascal Lamy ‘on the financial and economic crisis and trade-related developments’.
Total Aid for Trade recorded a jump of $4.4 billion in real terms, as measured against the baseline, to reach $25.4 billion in 2007. A major portion of the increase (around 60%) went to support infrastructure programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa, the report said. Assistance for trade-related infrastructure attracted the highest volume of commitments at 53.7% of total Aid for Trade. Commitments to build productive capacity experienced a marginally higher growth of 21.4% to reach 43% of total flows. In contrast, assistance for trade policy regulation grew 3.8% (falling back in 2007 after a 58% surge in 2006).
The US and Japan were the largest single providers of bilateral Aid for Trade, with $4.6 billion and $4.4 billion in 2007, respectively. Other important bilateral donors include France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United Kingdom. In total, bilateral donors accounted for 62% of total Aid for Trade in 2007—down 2.3% on 2006
I chose not to waste my time with you people...i think most people on this forum know i can and have owned nearly all the hindus on this forum, i just chose not to do it. I dare you a holes to ask me for the sources. I wouldve gladly spent hours draging you through the mud a year ago but now ur comment only make me laugh and serve as amusement .
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Senator (1k+ posts)
dying to hear any of you call india "great " or "shinning" ..i know alot of you are online , please be men about this ..come on i wont bite


Senator (1k+ posts)
come on guys , lets discuss imf loans and begging for aid ,its ur favourite topic....please please please...or would u rather discuss my kashmir?? perhaps you would like to discuss the maoists ?? khalistan ?? no ?? how about the daily torture of dalits and shuddars ?? would you guys like to live down wind from us ??

come on ,why dont any of the indians want to make friends with lil ol me ??


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
What a big deal in just announcing the aid....

Did they paid actually ????

