Minister (2k+ posts)
For weeks it was to be foreseen that the flood in the flood areas of Pakistan will demand numerous victims. But apart from the fact that subsidies of the international community were received only slowly, how the UN criticized were internationally in addition nothing from a large donation readiness to feel. Also in Germany not. Nevertheless the World Bank of the government of Pakistan for the management of the flood disaster awarded now a credit of 900 million euros. Assistance does urgently emergency! Already the state in south Asia has to deplore 20 million between 1.500 and 2.000 dead ones, it at home lost. The real extent of the disaster is not to be foreseen however yet. The infrastructure in the flood areas is destroyed, harvests is destroyed. The anyway poor country is dependent on donations and international assistance. Both takes time, although the flood disaster should be even still more consequence-fraught, as the earthquake in Haiti at the beginning of the yearly. At that time numerous states took part rapidly with financial assistances in the emergency supply of the victims. Many prominent ones engaged medium-effectively, donated themselves and called for imitation. For Pakistan the compassion of the Germans holds itself obviously within limits. According to first rough estimations so far to two million a euro for the victims in Pakistan were donated. With tsunami 2004 were there already three-figure million-sums met, similarly was it in Haiti" , Burkhard Wilke, managing director of the German Central Institute for social questions (DZI) said on Monday. According to data of Rudolf Seiters, president of the German red cross, the donation readiness for the flood victims in Pakistan for Monday rose. But first it gave a large restraint. Also Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs Guido Westerwelle again appealed to the German population. Pakistan is getroffen" of an unparalleled disaster; , the Minister said in the picture Zeitung" and added: I ask all Germans to donate for the flood victims. If you give your donation to a respectable relief organization, you can be safe that them erreicht." the victims; Past week had preceded the Federal Government with good example. The Foreign Office had communicated that it had supplemented its auxiliary promises again to the alleviation of the emergency on 15 million euros. But that liegt' s that the Germans for the assistance-needy in Pakistan can be softened only with difficulty? Debt to it is in opinion of the relief organization Care the bad image of Pakistan. This brakes the donation readiness for humans concerned by the inundation out. The problem is that Pakistan in the public a good picture does not hat" , Care managing director Anton Mark Miller on NDR info. said it subordinated, there sits all full Taliban and terrorist and the corruption is large. Pakistan is a country possessing atomic weapons, and the donors are there zurckhaltender." probably somewhat; Those lack-ends donation readiness of the Germans is connected obviously also with the numerous natural catastrophes lately. The many Unglcke made excessive demands of the Germans, describe Rudolf Seiters in the HAZ: Humans are this disaster summer weary - fire in Russia, flood in Hungary, oil pollution in the gulf of Mexico, the misfortune with the Loveparade, before it already in January the earthquake in Haiti, there may not hear some any more and hinsehen." The reports on the visit of the UN-Secretary-General in the flood area would have aroused many. However Pakistan with its difficult-to-understand political situation makes helping wools leicht." for many the also not straight; For the country the next state of distress already announced itself after the flood: Like the newspaper the Welt" reported, Pakistan stands directly according to estimate of the relief organization Care before a Hungerkrise". In order to prevent the worst, one is effort of force without Beispiel" necessarily. In addition characteristic Care the past distribution of meals and drinking as unzureichend" perfectly;. It gives already reports over verhungerte children. According to UN-data lie in wait additionally for approximately 3.5 million children deadly diseases in the dirty drinking water. They are in particular threatened by bacterial intestine infections, hepatitis, typhoid fever and failure.