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Imran Khan and Nawaz sharif must be united in crushing terrorism.
Imran Khan Zindabad! PTI Zindabad!
you r forgetting india america and iran.All these So Called JIHADI Groups are funded by NAWAZ's MASTER SAUDIA ARABIA - The traitor of Islam. DUDDU/TATTU Sharif cannot do anything...........So good luck with bogus ACP...........
So what is the plan to STOP terrorism?
What difference will NS do comparison to the last 5 years?
Hope to hear from IK regards to what conclusion has been made from this meeting, I cannot see NS or GK stopping drones as drones are interconnected with terrorism in Pakistan. So what will they do, GK has not done much on ground levels regards to this, as the terrorist have ebb been able to target GHQ.
Hope something constructive comes out of this but when the NS cones into the picture I have my doubts that anything constructive can take place. We will see what happens in outcome but my advice to IK would be make your own intelligence service in KPK and reform the police to a SWAT type of force, otherwise u will be wasting time with likes of NS. KPK government needs to take them head on in there own respective province, also if it were me I would not give too much info to PML N government as I do not trust them. Only give Info if it is concerned with people'.s lives.
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