This is a very dangerous move by government because they said qadri is not part of the system so we will treat him differently from khan because he is part of system. Now if they are going to hold re-elections without sorting out the mess then pti is not going to take part in elections so all pti seats will be replaced by other parties in NA. So how do so many people get their concerns redressed?
Let us think about it what is meant by use of force. Rulers use force that is available to them and money lenders use force that is available to them and mullahs use force that is available to them to oppress and suppress masses, what choice then masses have other than use the force that is available to them? It seems government is hell bent on using constitution against masses as a tool like mullahs use religions as a tool or money lenders use money as a tool against masses. Is there no sensible person in all these political parties to see that we are now heading for civil war. This is committing suicide if people in power do not use their brains if they have any. The brains need to be used by people who are in positions of power because they are the one's who are usurping the rights of masses therefore unless they stop doing that and retreat the country is going to dogs because if peacefully raised concerns of masses are not addressed then it is war because concern must be addressed no matter what. After all why did people create pakistan in the first place? It was only to save themselves from being cornered by people who could use their constitutional power to crush them. In order to save themselves from being suppressed through constitutional power they created pakistan by finding safety in deen of islam. Now after several decades we are back in the same situation and the only solution is to once again find safety in deen of islam.
This is why we are again fighting a war between kufar and islam. The only difference now is that people against whom masses are fighting for their rights are also claimant of being muslims. So time for proper amendments in our state constitution so that this situation never arises again in pakistan ever. This means people of pakistan need to sit and think what amendments are needed in the constitution to make it work properly ie for the well being of people of pakistan not rulers, money lenders, mullahs and their touts and supporters.
This situation that we are facing today should ring alarm bells in minds of all people of pakistan because it is make or break time. This is why people must support khan and qadri if they do not want to suffer painfully in ever greater numbers in coming days. You let government get away with it, you sign your own death warrant. This is why it is now or never situation.
I have been trying to educate people for years but I am today very sad that people have not bothered to learn much from my hard work because I do not see them supporting what ensures their well being. They rather be supporters of rulers, money lenders and mullahs than learn sense and see what is actually right for them to do. I can see why iqbal said that we old folks have failed our future generations by not being bale to educate them properly so that they could have ability to safeguard their future.
Listen to this message of iqal and think why he said this.