Imran Khan's 2nd Speech - 2nd September 2014

Asad Khan

MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Imran Khan 2nd Speech - 2nd September 2014

It is no more about Imran Khan, it is about the self-serving SoBs inside the so-called parliament and the people of Pakistan. And if someone thinks it will go away or a few cosmetic changes will pacify the public is living in a fool's paradise. It will have to smell, taste and look like a democracy before the public start respecting it, no more just labels are enough. To Imran's credit, he has helped unleash the genie out of the bottle and our future generations will forever be indebted to this great man's efforts just like we are to the efforts of our forefathers. Critics may hate him but God has special plans for this guy, he's an absolute maverick the way he has done things throughout his life.


New Member
Re: Imran Khan 2nd Speech - 2nd September 2014

For god sake come out of your houses and join this azadi march otherwise if you miss this once you will never get this oppertunity in the coming 10 years. Ik is not asking anything soley for himself, he wants to empower the people of this country.
I am sure if you assess ik from every aspect on the criteria he will easily qualify the assessment test. Then my question is " what's wrong with you people that you do not come out on the streets"
i know the reality that how these western people threat us in these developed countries if you reveal your country name...that is only and only because our corrupt political system.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Imran Khan 2nd Speech - 2nd September 2014

It is no more about Imran Khan, it is about the self-serving SoBs inside the so-called parliament and the people of Pakistan. And if someone thinks it will go away or a few cosmetic changes will pacify the public is living in a fool's paradise. It will have to smell, taste and look like a democracy before the public start respecting it, no more just labels are enough. To Imran's credit, he has helped unleash the genie out of the bottle and our future generations will forever be indebted to this great man's efforts just like we are to the efforts of our forefathers. Critics may hate him but God has special plans for this guy, he's an absolute maverick the way he has done things throughout his life.

I agree it's between the Parliament and the common people. However, where are the common people? Why they are not in Islamabad backing IK and TUQ is massive numbers (Salute to the TUQ crowd/followers but the number of IK crowd is disappointing)? Why they've run away? I can appreciate that ordinary people can't stand against the state brutality for a long time, however, revolutions do require sacrifices. Can't see ANY hope unless Army does something.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Imran Khan 2nd Speech - 2nd September 2014

state brutality was obvious by providing water breakfast and food to people who wanted to destroy my country.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Inshallah we will demolish this filthy status quo and new Pakistan will emerge where all citizen will have equal rights.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Imran Khan 2nd Speech - 2nd September 2014

I agree it's between the Parliament and the common people. However, where are the common people? Why they are not in Islamabad backing IK and TUQ is massive numbers (Salute to the TUQ crowd/followers but the number of IK crowd is disappointing)? Why they've run away? I can appreciate that ordinary people can't stand against the state brutality for a long time, however, revolutions do require sacrifices. Can't see ANY hope unless Army does something.

اسکی وجہ چپڑاسی نجومی ہے عوام ان پر اعتماد نہیں کرتے اور اسی وجہ سے ہاشمی جیسے لوگ بھی شک و شبھات میں مبتلا ہوکر گئے- اسکے علاوہ یہ بھی نہیں بھولنا کہ قادری کون ہے- ہم عمران خان کا ساتھ دیں گے موت تک حقیقی موت تک انشاللہ یہاں سے دھرنے کے لئے جاؤں گا اور انشاللہ ساتھ ہزاروں لوگوں کو بھی لے جاؤں گا​
