R Rameez Chaudhry Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Apr 3, 2016 #1 Featured Thumbs https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11059608_923089131138511_2578056340548181040_n.jpg?oh=4b2fb0d1c3c33a5a29692889d3af8cf3&oe=578A87D4
P Punch777 Politcal Worker (100+ posts) Apr 3, 2016 #2 What do you expect from people like him? Can he tell us what Zardari is doing in Dubai or London. We were told he was sick but I reckon he is mentally sick.
What do you expect from people like him? Can he tell us what Zardari is doing in Dubai or London. We were told he was sick but I reckon he is mentally sick.
mercedesbenz Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Apr 3, 2016 #5 چانڈیو کو چار چانڈیں پڑی نا تب پتا چلے گا کہ چوہے کے ساتھ کیا ھوا ھے۔
X x2zak Politcal Worker (100+ posts) Apr 3, 2016 #6 Thorey din thehr jao boorhey Giddh bhi marega Imran
I INNOCENT DEMON Politcal Worker (100+ posts) Apr 3, 2016 #8 Aur tum log thar mai bachay bhook sai maar rahay hou
A Amir Khan 87 Councller (250+ posts) Apr 3, 2016 #9 Atleast IK does not kill innocent ppl like status qou party have done and still doing.