Imran Khan On CNN With Fareed Zakaria - Explaining The Flood Situation - Aug 23 2010


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Please support IK for better Pakistan....

Please not try to find small small mistakes of others... Look at their visions...

Everyone has problems in his character, but try to to compare in a reasonable way....

No one is prophet...

Even,some Prophets did some minnor a person was get killed by hazrat Moosa,,,and Faroun pointed out....

Please neglect these mistakes and listen what he is saying.....and what he is doing.......


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: imran khan a real hero

plz c this


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: imran khan a real hero

hello sister,, you can upload videos here instead of posting these links , viewers will be more comfortable. and please explain in a couple of sentence about your views about what you are posting so everyone can have some foresight before closing this window
