Billo is in politics to protect daddy and aunties stolen money. He couldnt give a flying fuuck about the desperate poor that have put so much faith in his family. This waank stain treats them like craap, but as the Noora have found to their cost, its only a matter of time before IK`s message resonates in Sindhbilawal please stop the fudge and announce serious policies for the country
For a start please contribute 1 billion to the chief justice dam initiative and u can put in your manifesto roti kapra makan our pani
we did not provide roti kapra makan but i am serious to provide pani and you build a core vote bank which will give u kick start for the future
Inshallah u are young and will participate in many future elections it is long slog.
Dont go for cheap shots grind your future with realistic policies and win the hearts of the future voters
This election is a learning curve dont fatigue yourself
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