MPA (400+ posts)

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مرگ بر امریکا
Iran is in bed with USA on all to territorial issues and all this talk about USA attacking Iran is hogwash as this only to mislead Muslims.
Iran is in bed with USA on all to territorial issues and all this talk about USA attacking Iran is hogwash as this only to mislead Muslims.
زرا مصر کے معاملے میں امریکہ اور سعودیہ کے تعلقات پر بھی روشنی ڈالنا پسند کریں گے۔۔۔سعودی حکمران ایسے پٹھو ثابت ہوئے ہیں کہ شائد پاکستانی حکومت بھی امریکیوں کے ایسے تلوے نا چاٹتی ہو۔۔۔مسلم امہ کو تباہ کرنے میں ان سعودیوں کا برابر کا ہاتھ ہے۔۔۔جو کعبہ کی کمائی سے شراب پی رہے ہیں۔
May Allah's curse on all Arab kings, Saud-die and their supporters.
Long Live Islam,
Long Live Muslim Brotherhood,
Long Live Revolution !
Muslim brotherhood.....?...hardly get to see this,what's happening to Muslim countries and its the Muslim countries supporting US and Israel,this word Muslim brotherhood sounds strange and weird to the
There is an a well known internal Muslim Brotherhood document that clearly says that along with Israel, UAE,KSA aND America, Iran played a shameful role in the run up for the coup.
Link (Ar):
MB was initially trying to improve relations but Iran wanted to turn Egypt into a satellite like Syria. Muslim Brotherhood flatly refused and had to pay the consequences. See coverage against MB on FARS, Press Tv from earlier in the year if you have doubts.
Iran wants to turn everone into a proxy to be used as pawns in its geostrategic machination. They can never be equal partners. Like for example now in Gaza they are trying to undermine HAMAS and make Islamic jehad the new rulers, only beacuse HAMAS refused to help Bashar Assad massacre his own people.
Same in Iraq any group opposed to it is undermined, & not 100% obediant, take for example Muqtada Al Sadr.
(Same thing was done in Pakistan where traditional Shia clergy was systematically sidelined by Iran in favor of Khomeinists)
They also are now gunning for the clerics in Najaf, as Sistani opposed Shia death squads and Militia and Iraq and flatly refused to call helping the Ghulat Alwite dictator slaughter his own citizens as "Jehad".
Iran govt clergy is chok full of hypocrites. At Least the Saudis dont try to hide their vileness.
Khair in Syria they have exposed themselves fully, ab kisi ko shak nahin in kai baray mein.
There is an a well known internal Muslim Brotherhood document that clearly says that along with Israel, UAE,KSA aND America, Iran played a shameful role in the run up for the coup.
Link (Ar):
MB was initially trying to improve relations but Iran wanted to turn Egypt into a satellite like Syria. Muslim Brotherhood flatly refused and had to pay the consequences. See coverage against MB on FARS, Press Tv from earlier in the year if you have doubts.
Iran wants to turn everone into a proxy to be used as pawns in its geostrategic machination. They can never be equal partners. Like for example now in Gaza they are trying to undermine HAMAS and make Islamic jehad the new rulers, only beacuse HAMAS refused to help Bashar Assad massacre his own people.
Same in Iraq any group opposed to it is undermined, & not 100% obediant, take for example Muqtada Al Sadr.
(Same thing was done in Pakistan where traditional Shia clergy was systematically sidelined by Iran in favor of Khomeinists)
They also are now gunning for the clerics in Najaf, as Sistani opposed Shia death squads and Militia and Iraq and flatly refused to call helping the Ghulat Alwite dictator slaughter his own citizens as "Jehad".
Iran govt clergy is chok full of hypocrites. At Least the Saudis dont try to hide their vileness.
Khair in Syria they have exposed themselves fully, ab kisi ko shak nahin in kai baray mein.
آپ لوگوں کی تو مرغی بھی چوری ہو جاتی ہے تو اسکا بھی الزام آپ ایران پر لگاتے ہیں۔
ایران کا مصر کے موجودہ حالات سے کچھ لینا دینا نہیں ہے اور نہ ہی ایران کا مصر میں کوئی اثر و رسوخ ہے۔
یہ اخوانی خود ہیں جو کہ مرسی کی قیادت میں اسرائیل اور امریکہ کے جوتے چاٹ رہے تھے اور ان سے شام میں خون کے دریا بہانے کے لیے "اتحاد بین المسلمین و الکفار" کیے ہوئے تھے، ان سے اسلحہ لے رہے تھے، انکے لیے دعائیہ کلمات کہہ رہے تھے۔
لیکن اپنے گریبان میں تو نظر نہیں جاتی اور وہاں موجود ساری غلاظت کو دھونے کا واحد طریقہ یہ ہے کہ ایران پر الزام لگانا شروع کر دو۔
حتی کہ اردوگان بھی ایسی منافقت دکھا رہا ہے کہ مصر کے حالات کے لیے سعودی عرب کا نام اسکے منہ سے نہیں نکل رہا ہے۔
- How is Iran any different then Saudia? It helped USA directly in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is helping a dictator Asad against its own public. Asad has killed far more Syrians then Sisii has killed Egyptians.
- And Iran instigated Pakistani Shi'ites against the state (something Arab's haven't done yet). Even when Pakistan had absolutely no issue with Iran and was the first country in the world to accept the legitimacy of Khomeni govt.
آپ کے الزامات کا سلسلہ جاری ہے۔
یہ ایران نہیں تھا، بلکہ سعودیہ، قطر، بحرین اور دیگر عرب بادشاہ تھے جنہوں نے عراق اور افغانستان پر حملے کے لیے امریکہ کو اڈے مہیا کیے تھے۔ ایران نے نہ تو عراق، اور نہ ہی افغانستان میں امریکہ کو کئی اڈے مہیا کیے۔ چنانچہ براہ مہربانی بندر کی بلا طویلے کے سر نہ باندھیے۔
اور موضوع کو بھی آپ مستقل گھما رہے ہیں۔
مصر میں سرے سے ایران کو کوئی اثر و رسوخ ہی حاصل نہیں کہ وہ کوئی کردار ادا کرے۔ یہ سب کا سب اخوانی اسرائیلی امریکی سعودی کھیل ہے۔۔۔۔ مگر یہاں بھی تعصب زندہ باد کہ آخر میں گھما پھرا کر سعودیہ کو تو اردوگان نے نکال دیا، اور آپ لوگوں نے ایران کو پکڑ کر پھر قربانی کا بکرا بنا دیا۔
- Bibi highest ranking Irani officials are on record stating that USA received direct help from them in Iraq and Afghanistan. Irani intelligentsia have started a whole campaign in USA to the effect that Iran can be a trustworthy friend in Middle East citing the same instances. Role of Saudia and Co can not be ignored and in condemnable but you go silent when it comes to Iran.
- And please enlighten us as to why the heck did Iran instigate Pakistani shi'ites against the Pakistani state when Pakistan posed absolutely no threat to Iran? It was the first country to accept the legitimacy of Khomeni govt (Pakistani foreign office officials even met Khomeni BEFORE he overthrew Shah).
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