IMF Shouldn’t Give Any Loan to Pakistan Until ……


Minister (2k+ posts)
At some point, a loaner expects that a loan is paid back –
and it should be by those to whom it is given!

In Pakistan, there is a history of those sitting in power today that how they looted the country and lined their pockets, and purchased assets all over the world.

During their past tenures, there was a slight improvement in the lives of Pakistani people whereas there was phenomenal growth in their personal fortunes.

Why? What magic or experience do they all have for that growth?


If not corruption, then why they couldn’t use the same magic touch for the economy of Pakistan?

The Panama leak is a testimonial of their corruption. Still, Pakistan couldn't recover any part of the loot due to various internal as well as external reasons.

They used Iqama and other techniques to siphon money out of Pakistan to their offshore bank accounts and then to purchase assets worldwide.

They grabbed the power to change the laws of the land and put their cronies in places to wipe their tracks of corruption. In the end, they got themselves exonerated from Pakistani courts.

It is anticipated that in the 2023-2024 budget, roughly two-thirds will be appropriated for paying past loans (most of which were taken by these crooks) and defense expenses.

By all accounts, the people of Pakistan will get marginal benefits if a loan is given.

The current government cum military
don’t represent the majority of the people of Pakistan.

If IMF gives a loan to
a small Minority
then don’t expect
the Majority to pay it back.

A tale of corruption of Sharifs:
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MPA (400+ posts)
Thankyou IMF, we Pakistanis appreciate your statement.
We demand that IMF should not lend the corrupt elites (thug PDM and badmash Generals) of Pak to convert their Rupee assets in Dollars. They may run with the loan money as election are approaching, and the common public will payback with their sweat and blood.
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