ILLMOHIKMAT Dunyya TV - 10th June 2012 - Zubair Ahmed - Woman's Rights

indigo - Blogger

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
To add a little question about istasna, and the question is that those who promote/present this istasna cases in courts, are they also guilty of going against the rules of Islam.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Mutlaq is something that is without istasnaa but every rule has exception because all guidelines or instructions are limited by their set out purpose for them that they are supposed to serve. This is why not everything is applicable in every sense to everything.

most molvies do not try to understand this rule or just forget it when they issue their fatwas. They love seeing things black and white.

in grammar we have all words in infinite or indefinite form and they only become muqayyad when we use them in a sentence and a sentence uses them for a set out purpose in mind of the person who is expressing the sentence.

This is why when people take commandments from the quran and apply them like a blanket they only prove their ignorance about their purpose, circumstances and situations etc. This is how they can be proven very easily that they are doing things the wrong way.

I think ghamdi sb should teach people rules whereby he extracts information from the quran and hadith so that then people could see why what he is saying is right or for that matter wrong. If children are taught rules of maths then they themselves can see whether a question has been solved properly or not.

Most people are unaware of rules for understanding the quran and hadith so they just follow random texts randomly.

Quran is not talking about maraatib of people but their roles in social relationships and the rights and responsibilities tat go with the roles. God is God and people are people and it is God who assigns roles, rights and responsibilities, rules and regulations about them as well as procedures beside setting up standards and criteria.

institution for compliance is to ensure all people and institution are functioning properly in relation to set out divine constitution=the quran.
