IHC declares Nawaz Sharif's bail petition admissible


Minister (2k+ posts)
جب سپریم کورٹ پہلے ہی صحت کے بارے میں اپنا فیصلہ سنا چکی ہے۔
تو پھر لگتا ہے ہائیکورٹ، سپریم کورٹ کے فیصلے کے خلاف بغاوت کرتی نظر آ رہی ہے۔
کیا قانون اندھا یا پھر سپریم کورٹ؟



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Patwari judges ka naya tamashaa. Its been months that they did not put NAB's appeal against his and his daughter's bail in PANAMA case.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Unfortunately SC has laid down pretty strict guidelines for medical bail. Considering nawaz did not get a single treatment in the 6 weeks provided to him, I don’t expect him to get another bail form IHC. Recall the IHC rejected bail last time as well
Then the registrar of IHC must have rejected the petition as inadmissible.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Job opportunity: Hiring for multiple thieves

I want to form a network of thieves, but i will recruit heart patients only so that if caught by police, they can get bail because of poor health.

P.S: Thieves having experience working for political parties and affiliation with Courts will be given priority


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Nawaz Sharif ko reyha kero aur imran Fraudiya ko jail maay baand kero salay naay economy ki waat laga di
Dil arma ansu mai beh jayen imran khan agle pure 15 saal b halumat mai he rae ga jo putna hai put lo tuade peyoo nu jail wich paya hoya hai hee kee put leta


Minister (2k+ posts)
Ye courts nahi BEGHERTOUN ka Adda hein...ye Judge wu loug hein ju kal tuk Adaltoun ke baher phuttey lagatey thea aur aaj Courts mein judge bun ker bethey hein...............en BESHERMOUN se koi pouchey kitney MUJREM jail mein hein kitnoun ki SAZAAA deney ke baad tum en kou bail ke leye suntey hu..........Pakistan ka ASSAL problem ye JUDGE, JOURNALIST (Lundey ke philospher). En ku PHaansi per latkaa du ye corruption khatam hu jaieye gii aur Pakistan mein peace hu jaieye gaa.........

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Wah wah wah IHC ki purtiyan, aaj petition submit ki aur kal hearing bhi hai, Lets see if Nawazs loyalty overcomes SC instructions


Senator (1k+ posts)
لوٹا ہوا پیسا واپس کرے ہمیشہ کے لیے آزاد ہو جاے یا
اس کو کسی تھانے حوالدار حوالے کیا جاے یہ بندہ چند دنوں میں ساری دولت خود ہی قومی خزانے میں جمع کروا دے گا
