If PTI couldn't make government


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
As i am realy scared for tommarow elections specialy if PTI only gets 80-90 seats and rest parasite parties like PML-N , PPPP ,ANP ,MMA and Achakzai all combine seats are more then hundread and they make new government :( Dr.Shaid masood again siad now that it is possiblity they all unite with each other against PTI to make new government :cry: PTI and Imran Khan will think like this then ...

Ye Kya Hua Kaise Hua


Mr Justice

Minister (2k+ posts)
We all have this scare, but remember, a lot of paid media houses, news papers, and rigged polls are trying level best to manipulate public's thinking and create panic till the last moment of the election's day.

Concentration and positive thinking will prevail. Setting aside everything, we need to vote PTI.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
My Dear fellows. When Imran khan wasn't an opposition leader , he took down the monarch of Pakistan. Just imagine, how much devastating he will be as a powerful opposition leader (God Forbid, if he isn't able to be a PM) and Chair Person of Public Accounts Committe. A man who has nothing to loose and has only one mission to put the nooras, zardaris , achakzia and surkhas down the drain and cleanse Pakistan.

In my opinion, Pakistan is on the edge of collapse and the culprits would really like to give this broken Pakistan to Imran Khan , so that he remain entangled with it will full focus, and they get away with their ill gotten money. Then there are lots of booby traps they have set for the next government.

BTW IK as opposition leader, then the govt won't last 3 months.

Long Live Pakistan. I am in NA243 , working for PTI. Inshallah Naya Pakistan.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Agar nahin jeete to kiya we will keep this fight our entire life, status quo is on the run already if courts keep it up then IK has already did a great service to this Nation
