Idea: Why should not PTI make a political Institution/School for its workers and members


Minister (2k+ posts)
I want to share an idea with our PTI members, supporters and workers. Why should not PTI make a institution of political training and development for its members who are really serious in getting into political avenues. Who want to work and serve the nation.

Training could be given on topics:

  • Public Speaking
  • Media Management
  • Legislation
  • Political Thought
  • Governance
  • People Management
  • Election Management
  • Party Discipline
  • Leadership
  • Ideology

There are many topics that can be covered, the benefits of this training/education/development will breed a new generation of leaders in PTI that can take over the retiring class. This institute will bring discipline and uniformity in PTI as a political party. This will cover the deficiencies found in PTI as political party.

Please give your positive thoughts and comments on this topic.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Great idea.....election management and planing is PTI' Achilles heel and should definitely work on it

قابلی ڈیمو

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
تحریک انصاف ک ضلعی کابینہ میں ایک سیٹ ڈسٹرکٹ سیکرٹری فار پولیٹٰکل ٹریننگ شامل ہے ۔ اس بندےکا یہی کام ہوتا ہے۔ کہ عوام کی سیاسی تربیت کی جائے۔ مگر یہاں گولڈ لیف کی ڈبی میں کے ٹو کے سگریٹ ہی ملتے ہیں


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
This is a great idea!

It may not be practical for every card holder member; however all position holders in PTI hierarchy must go through a leadership training. I sincerely hope someone in PTI senior leadership reads your suggestion and acts upon it.


President (40k+ posts)
Tabdeeli Razakar was a great idea...

PTI should have built something substantive on this novel program.
