I will demolish Lahore's governor house when new Pakistan will be made. - Imran Khan

WHO THE HELL is this mofo to say this?
Is soooowar ko koe tameez nahin...jub dekho bhonkta rehta hay....he is creating soobaiyat amongst people. He says he would make "Park" in KPK but "DEMOLISH" punjab?

Abay soooowar Gov house is a "SYMBOL" of federation you moron.


Minister (2k+ posts)

Pakistan 1st

Minister (2k+ posts)
موصوف جہاں آپ حکومت کر رہے ہیں وہاں کا گورنر ہاؤس تو زرا گرا کر دکھائیں
جسم کے ہر سوراخ سے آپ کے اندر نسوار ٹھونس دی جائے گی


Minister (2k+ posts)
What happened to kpk Governor house? I am in favour of turning big building into public places but cheap politics has no space. Barking like dog and blaming everyday without evidence will not take us anywhere.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
یہ پاکستان کو تباہی کیطرف لے جانا چاہتا ہے اور بات ایسے کرتا ہے جیسے پاکستان اس کو باپ کی وراثت میں ملا ہے
خود بنی گالا کا محل بنوایا ہوا ہے اور لاہور میں ایچسن کالج کے پچھواڑ میں رہتا ہے
افسوس در افسوس ایک نامور کھلاڑی تو بن گیا تھا مگر عقل اورتمیز سے بلکل پیدل ہے
مثالیں برطانوی نظام کی دیتا ہے کیا برطانیہ میں اسوقت ایڈ ملی بینڈ بھی ڈیوڈ کیمرون کو ایسے بلاتا ہے جیسے یہ سُلطان راہی مصطفی قریشی کی طرح برکیں مارتا ہے۔
اس کی مثال ہے لیس لسورے دی تے آکھڑ چوڑے دی
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What happened to kpk Governor house? I am in favour of turning big building into public places but cheap politics has no space. Barking like dog and blaming everyday without evidence will not take us anywhere.

We would have just thought you were dumb if you had remained silent - Now its confirmed.

Ali Sha

Senator (1k+ posts)
The same he was supposed to do with karnak house and retreat house in nathiagali, likin aik mai cs ka bhai daira jama ke beta hai aur aik mai khattak sahab ka bhai which is v sad. These rest houses should be privatised immediately.


Minister (2k+ posts)
WHO THE HELL is this mofo to say this?
Is soooowar ko koe tameez nahin...jub dekho bhonkta rehta hay....he is creating soobaiyat amongst people. He says he would make "Park" in KPK but "DEMOLISH" punjab?

Abay soooowar Gov house is a "SYMBOL" of federation you moron.

Deewar girey gi Patwari Not the building...Governor houses are symbol of British Imperialism Angrez chaley gye ghulamo....


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Demolish?.....Is Imran going to follow ISIS leader Abubakar Al Baghdadi...Demolish Everything and Hanged the people on streets.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What happened to kpk Governor house? I am in favour of turning big building into public places but cheap politics has no space. Barking like dog and blaming everyday without evidence will not take us anywhere.

Apney gareeban mein jhank ker dekho: Is he authorized to demolish governor house of KPK... Governor house come under Federal Jurisdiction..... Her aik noooora na samjha kero bhiiii.:biggthumpup::biggthumpup::biggthumpup::biggthumpup:


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
WHO THE HELL is this mofo to say this?
Is soooowar ko koe tameez nahin...jub dekho bhonkta rehta hay....he is creating soobaiyat amongst people. He says he would make "Park" in KPK but "DEMOLISH" punjab?

Abay soooowar Gov house is a "SYMBOL" of federation you moron.

Kisi Muhazzab bandey ko galian zaib nahin daetein..... Speak with logic...:biggthumpup::biggthumpup::biggthumpup:


WHO THE HELL is this mofo to say this?
Is soooowar ko koe tameez nahin...jub dekho bhonkta rehta hay....he is creating soobaiyat amongst people. He says he would make "Park" in KPK but "DEMOLISH" punjab?

Abay soooowar Gov house is a "SYMBOL" of federation you moron.

It is a SYMBOL of British Raaj when Governor was every thing and like a King. Whether KPK or Punjab, if not demolished then they should be opened for public and Governor should reside elsewhere.

What is the effing use of a Governor house of 76 Acres (Punjab) and 22 Acres (KPK) jahan chiriya bhi par nahi maar sakti. Screw governor houses.

The White House, excluding the treasury dept building and another build on the left side is just 7.8 Acre. And we living in 3rd world countries have Governor houses on 22 and 76 acres.
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