:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:everyone is waking up but these degenerates like shalwargujjar, tar zan mureedi, zaid qasmi must be made up of a different kind of clay.
They made sure when IK gets govt, the situation would be this bad. Now IMF is impending ☢Dollar is soon gonna be 150 and petrol over 120 what'll happen.
dont think about them because they are paid by PML-N to post pro PML-N stance on siasat.pk.Wo becharay thankhwadar hain and they also have to run their homes but this is my iman that on 25 july if elections are held one of them in shalwargujjar, tar zan mureedi, zaid qasmi will vote for PTi :) if elections are help which according to my information will not be held coz my elder brother is in establishment ;) let me keep otherthings in secret.everyone is waking up but these degenerates like shalwargujjar, tar zan mureedi, zaid qasmi must be made up of a different kind of clay.
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