I heard people shouting from inside the plane, Plane was making no sound - An eye witness of plane c


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
He is lying how come some from ground hear pple screaming inside the plane ... i dont know y pple start come to media with fake info etc etc...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
He is lying how come some from ground hear pple screaming inside the plane ... i dont know y pple start come to media with fake info etc etc...

ریموٹ علاقہ میں اتنی گہری خاموشی ھوتی ھے کہ
دو کیلومیٹر دور کی آواز ٥ /١٠ فیٹ کے فاصلے سے أتی محسوس ھوتی ھے

Anonymous Paki

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
