I haven't found anyone to marry yet and won't tie knot until the creation of Naya pakistan - Imran K


Re: I haven't found anyone to marry yet & wouldn't tie knot until the creation of Naya pakistan :- Imran Khan



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: I haven't found anyone to marry yet & wouldn't tie knot until the creation of Naya pakistan :- Imran Khan

مجھے نہیں لگتا کہ جب تک یہ دھرنا ختم ہو کوئی غریب اس پارٹی کو دوبارہ ووٹ دے گا۔ عمران کو اپنی ذات اور اپنے ارد گرد کے لوگوں کے علاوہ بھی دیکھنا چاہیئے کتنے غریبوں کو مستقبل کا سہانا خواب دکھا کر فوری مر جانے کو کہا جارہا ہے؟

Abdul Haadi

Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: I haven't found anyone to marry yet & wouldn't tie knot until the creation of Naya pakistan :- Imran Khan

A mother died with 5 kids for lack of food while Prime Minister having parties for few people with 70+ dishes. Keep on saving the so called democracy.
