Councller (250+ posts)
Assalam o Alaikum all I am a forum member here for 14 years now ( Waseem and Adeel can confirm).
I am a 44 years old healthcare professional in Canada.
I ve been trying to get this message to Imran Khan sahb for almost 4 years. I ve made several threads and personally messaged Adeel, Waseem and other forum members but of no avail. (link for the thread regarding all this communication is given below).
Now I have put up very detailed audio to explain the reasoning of the message so that it can make sense to Imran Khan sahb and listener, although, guidance is in the hands of ALLAH SUBHAN-O-TALA.
I request you all to listen to it with open mind and heart and try have an educated discussion......
Finally I beg you all to get this message to Imran Khan sahb plsssssssssssssss
(note: in the audio there is repetition of points and its lengthy for the purpose of clarity and to emphasize the importance of the message.)
FT 1 - 3
FT 2 - 3
FT 3 - 3
Link for the thread regarding all this communication:
I am a 44 years old healthcare professional in Canada.
I ve been trying to get this message to Imran Khan sahb for almost 4 years. I ve made several threads and personally messaged Adeel, Waseem and other forum members but of no avail. (link for the thread regarding all this communication is given below).
Now I have put up very detailed audio to explain the reasoning of the message so that it can make sense to Imran Khan sahb and listener, although, guidance is in the hands of ALLAH SUBHAN-O-TALA.
I request you all to listen to it with open mind and heart and try have an educated discussion......
Finally I beg you all to get this message to Imran Khan sahb plsssssssssssssss
(note: in the audio there is repetition of points and its lengthy for the purpose of clarity and to emphasize the importance of the message.)
FT 1 - 3
FT 3 - 3
Link for the thread regarding all this communication:
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