I Am Back With Vengence and You Must Help

Whats Up Doc

Councller (250+ posts)
I know I said that I won't be back but I am but only temporary.

Here is the deal. On Monday Morning August 15. I will be sending a Money Order to Siasat.pk in the amount of $ 500.00 payable to my favorite charity working in Pakistan to help the victims of this horrible disaster.

I would request the moderator acknowledge my money order when its received and forward to the charity. A self stamped envelope will be Provided.

Now I don't want you to do the same but I would like to see a copy of receipt posted with your contribution. I would like to see your pledges recorded

As you know my Motto is "chamadi jaey per Damadi na Jaey" therefore I am issuing a challenge to all my foes, mostly foes and some friends to follow suite and donate generously. I know some of you talk a lot and let me see what you are made off.

I am looking for 1000 members to match me or accede me

Thank You
The dreaded WHATS UP DOC

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This thread really pumped me up. I have already donated but I will be sending another payment via paypal and post the confirmation receipt here.

Come on people, let's help our brothers out in need. Let's not eat out this weekend and give that money out to help.

What's up doc, Can you please post a list of reliable charity organizations here. I usually give mine out to PTI.

Whats Up Doc

Councller (250+ posts)
This thread really pumped me up. I have already donated but I will be sending another payment via paypal and post the confirmation receipt here.

Come on people, let's help our brothers out in need. Let's not eat out this weekend and give that money out to help.

What's up doc, Can you please post a list of reliable charity organizations here. I usually give mine out to PTI.

I am still doing some preliminary work to see which charity is the most reputable I have narrowed it to 3 I will let you know which one on Sunday. But every one should do some research before donating and then check up on them usually some of them will provide names address and phone numbers of people effected and you can sponsor them directly on monthly basis.


Councller (250+ posts)
mashallah , especially if this $500 is seperate from your zakah.

Edhi trust and Minhaj welfare foundation are two reputable NGO's.


Minister (2k+ posts)
My small suggestion to all pakistanis that i believe every pakistani is donating in this time so we better send money directly to the bank accounts of any charity organization we like instead of sending through PAYPAL coz they charge huge commissions to reciever and we all know every little help.


My small suggestion to all pakistanis that i believe every pakistani is donating in this time so we better send money directly to the bank accounts of any charity organization we like instead of sending through PAYPAL coz they charge huge commissions to reciever and we all know every little help.

Paypal charges about 4 percent commission. If you are sending through your bank account, they charge around $40. I guess It depends how much you are sending. For example If you are sending $500, paypal will charge only $20.


Great Idea, What's up doc. Let's make this happen.

This post is for those people who can't afford to pay any money at all. Simply do these offers and whatever money comes out of that, we will be sending it to one of the charity organizations. Whenever someone does an offer, the money comes into siasat.pk account. It will only take a few minutes of your time.

Here are the details

People who are in the United States of America *ONLY*: (No other country will get paid)

offer 1: Simply Download this plug in, into your computer and for each download we get $1.00
Link: http://jxliu.com/click/?s=85622&c=239678&subid=siasat_don

offer 2: Converts when the user clicks on any offer on the "Final Steps" offer wall. They do not have to convert on the offer, just click on one. $1.00
Link: http://hjlas.com/click/?s=85622&c=139583&subid=siasat_don

Offer 3: Converts on a second page form submit. $1.30
Link: http://srtvd.com/click/?s=85622&c=242252&subid=siasat_don

Offer 4: Simply download this into your computer. We get $1.05 each time.
Link: http://npvos.com/click/?s=85622&c=339289&subid=siasat_don

Offer 5: Simply Fill out this one page form and we get $1.00
link: http://jxliu.com/click/?s=85622&c=238214&subid=siasat_don

People who are in the United Kingdom *ONLY*(No other country will get paid):

Offer 1: Simply Fill Out this little form(very easy*) and we get $1.20 for each fill up.
Link: http://jrtux.com/click/?s=85622&c=303628&subid=siasat_don

Offer 2: Simply fill out these two pages and we get $1.15 for each fill out.
Link: http://srtvd.com/click/?s=85622&c=242548&subid=siasat_don

Offer 3: Please fill out this 4 page survey. For each survey we will get paid $1.45.
Link: http://gnspf.com/click/?s=85622&c=164600&subid=siasat_don

Offer 4: Converts on a second page form submit. Duplicate and invalid leads will be scrubbed prior to pixel fire. 1.05
Link: http://srtvd.com/click/?s=85622&c=242674&subid=siasat_don

People who are in CANADA *ONLY* (No other country will get paid):

Offer 1: Simply fill out this two page form. We get $1.12
Link: http://srtvd.com/click/?s=85622&c=243356&subid=siasat_don

Offer 2: Fill out this two page form. We get $1.12
Link: http://srtvd.com/click/?s=85622&c=243595&subid=siasat_don

Offer 3: Fill out this two page form. We get $1.12
Link: http://srtvd.com/click/?s=85622&c=243595&subid=siasat_don


Offer 1: Simply Register to this site and we get $0.45 for each registration.
Link: http://srtvd.com/click/?s=85622&c=332113&subid=siasat_don

Importan note: You can do one offer only once. For example you can't do Offer number 1 twice. Won't be getting paid for the second time. You can do all offers in your country.

I will be posting the results every day. We get around 8,000 unique visitors daily. If we all take a few minutes to get this done. You can do the math. Forward this thread to all your family and friends so they can do the same. Please let me know If you guys have questions.
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Ok, I just made a payment of $100 to Flood Relief. Here is the receipt.



Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Please donate to imran khan for flood victims and shaukat kanum hospital..May Allah bless this great Man..

Imran khan is the best option for us (pakistanis) since he is the honest person. we cant trust our bloody politicians.........
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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
May Allah pak give u its reward Adeel bhai............God bless u and ur entire family................jazak Allah....
as long as i think only pakistan tehreek insaf can be trusted for transparency of these funds.......Government has no credibility..................


Minister (2k+ posts)
I trust the following:

1. MQM Khidmat Khalq Comitte
2. Edhi Trust
3. Shahzad Roy "Zindagi Trust" if they have a special flood relief fund
4. PTI if they have any separate flood relief account
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All just crap.... blah blah blah!!! do you guys really think that all your money will be used for the needy.... guys start living in the reality.....


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I have joined hands with friends in Pakistan.
We will not be giving cash but Truck loads of bricks to enable people to reconstruct their homes, one truck load per house.
It will be done at three points, Mardan/charsadda, Daira Ghazi Khan and Rahim Yar Khan. These three areas becasue we know very honest people in these three areas who are agreed that if their relatives need any such support, they will pay from their own pocket but this would go to people in villages, small towns. Initial target is for 150-200 trucks depending upon how much brick makers charge after floods subside as their will be huge demand for their commodity.

Do something direct, if you can but make sure it reaches the needy people.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
I know I said that I won't be back but I am but only temporary.

Here is the deal. On Monday Morning August 15. I will be sending a Money Order to Siasat.pk in the amount of $ 500.00 payable to my favorite charity working in Pakistan to help the victims of this horrible disaster.

I would request the moderator acknowledge my money order when its received and forward to the charity. A self stamped envelope will be Provided.

Now I don't want you to do the same but I would like to see a copy of receipt posted with your contribution. I would like to see your pledges recorded

As you know my Motto is "chamadi jaey per Damadi na Jaey" therefore I am issuing a challenge to all my foes, mostly foes and some friends to follow suite and donate generously. I know some of you talk a lot and let me see what you are made off.

I am looking for 1000 members to match me or accede me

Thank You
The dreaded WHATS UP DOC

I will be donating about 2400 today (13-Aug-2010, thats before 15-Aug-2010 I guess), to PTI's charity. I wish I could do more.

About 195 in that amount are from the fund raising exercise I did in my office. The rest, 2205 are from my very own pocket + some zakat money.

@ Whats Up Doc

I would have never revealed this information but you have been an id**t. Every penny contributed does count. All contributions are equal, regardless of the amounts, if well spent.

I have never bothered to notice your being on Siasat.pk or leaving it. Therefore, I can't say whether you are/were biased towards a certain political view.

But, having read your first post, I presume, people here have not liked you much and you had to leave.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I will be donating about 2400 today, to PTI's charity. I wish I could do more.
Note: About 195 in that amount are from the fund raising exercise I did in my office. The rest, 2205 are from my very own pocket.

I would have never revealed this information but you have been an idiot. Every penny contributed does count.
All contributions are equal, regardless of the amounts.

Jazak Allah Brother, Very Well Done.


PTI to choor ki jamat hai is ko to nokalo
Zardari sahab to bohat Donation le aaey hain ab kiya zaroorat aa gaee tum loogoon ko nashukroon
