How Israel Will Replace U.S as Ruling Super Power


MPA (400+ posts)

A coming nuclear attack on Pakistan, ostensibly in response to alleged terrorist activity, but actually to destroy that countrys nuclear plants, would convince Russia that she would eventually suffer the same fate unless she responds vigorously to Western (NATO) encirclement and intimidation. That is the recipe for eventual world-war. It is in that context that we can understand and anticipate the fulfilment of the prophecy concerning the conquest of NATO-controlled Constantinople (i.e. modern-day Istanbul):

Prophet Muhammad said: Lataftahanna al-Qustantiniyya wa lanima al-amiru amiruha wa lanima al-jayshu dhalika al-jaysh.
Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will her leader be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!

The reality is that dramatic political change now sweeping the Arab world would eventually facilitate the execution of Israels war agenda against the Arabs, as well as against Pakistan and Iran.

Syria stocks worlds biggest chemical weapons; can strike anywhere in Israel: army

Israel has expressed fears about chemical weapons in Syria falling into the hands of Hezbollah or terror organizations


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This is just an opinion by Imran Hussain who often seems to contradict himself and the hadith of the Holy Prophet pbuh . I do agree that Pakistan will soon be at war with USA/NATO probably by the end of the year but don't buy into this nuclear attack he's on about.

As for the hadith on Turkey/Constantine i believe it was referring to the period when it was first conquered.
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