How do you find this meeting???


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Maulana Tariq Jamil visits Minhaj ul Quran Center Copenhagen (Denmark) On 1st September 2013.





Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Dont you think that it is a healthy sign of interacting with each other and encouraging efforts of uniting muslims and in this Minhaj ul Quran can play role of bridging differences....they are always open to all whether intra-relgion or inter-religion dialogues.....!!

jaisay meeting hoti hain waisay hi hay, iss main kia ajeeb baat hai?


MPA (400+ posts)
Dont you think that it is a healthy sign of interacting with each other and encouraging efforts of uniting muslims and in this Minhaj ul Quran can play role of bridging differences....they are always open to all whether intra-relgion or inter-religion dialogues.....!!
Ji han yeh to bohot hi achi baat hai ur main iss ko bhi manta hoon ke mihaj-ul-kuran acha kirdar ada kar rahi hai.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
MashAllah, great to see Maulana Tariq Jameel sahib at Minhaj-ul-Quran. We really need to start uniting despite our differences. In yesterday's conference in Birmingham, Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri said that we should all unite on the basis of love of the Holy Prophet SAW. SubhanAllah, lets hope we all act upon this


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Mujhe to Un becharay Goray angraizon par taras aata hai jo Minhaj ul Quran aur Tahir ul qadri ke hatthay charr gaye hain (serious)

Allah Tamaam musalmanon ko Padri ke shar se Mehfooz rakhay aameen


Senator (1k+ posts)
Mujhe to Un becharay Goray angraizon par taras aata hai jo Minhaj ul Quran aur Tahir ul qadri ke hatthay charr gaye hain (serious)

Allah Tamaam musalmanon ko Padri ke shar se Mehfooz rakhay aameen
اور مجھے تم پر ترس آ رہا ہے۔۔۔۔۔۔واقعی مسلکی تعصب انسان کو اندھا کر دیتا ہے ۔۔۔جو اپنے سوا کسی کو مسلمان ہی نہیں سمجھتا۔۔۔۔


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
itehad e ummat k leye dr tahir ul qadri aur molana tariq jamil sb ke koshishain inshaallah aik din zaroor rang lain ge.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)

عام لوگوں کے لیے جو حرام ہوتا ہے وہ ان ملاؤں کا آپس میں حلال ہوتا ہے


Councller (250+ posts)
Minhaj Ul Quran Zindabad .Aj kal ke Door mai bohat se loog Jo deen ko bech rahe hai wahan Minhaj Ul Quran Ummat mai ithad kaliye khosisain kiye huwe hai


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
unity is important but you cannot have unity while keeping the differences in ummah alive due to make beliefs.

if people truly want unity what is their formula?

you need a goal for unity, you need terms and conditions upon which you unite. only deen can provide those clear goals and terms and conditions not zehni mazhabi intashaar.

this was the whole point of education and that wass the very reason for revelation of quran and sending of other prophets and messages.

today people are talking same language as sir syed yet not appreciating him as an intellectual. people talk about iqbal but do not want to know his proposals and thoughts because molvies do not like what he said and the reasons behind it.

people talk about jinnah but do not want to know what he understood of islam from quran. people who oppose thinkers like parwez can never find peace.

today ummah needs to go beyond all these people but we have not even reached the intelectual level of these people who passed away generations ago, so how are we going to develop and prosper?

maulana tariq jameel like maulana ishaq and dr qadri and others want unity of ummah but they want to hold on to their make beliefs. till molvies follow evidence unity in ummah is not possible unless ummah leaves molvies to themselves and follows evidence by understanding the message of the quran.

our great minds of the past have given us some ideas and we should explore them further and move with time. what is consistent is haq and what is inconsistent is baatil. this is the fundamental principle that our past scholars have given us. we should dwell on such like principles and do our own sums not accept solutions of the past which do not work for our time. This is why definition of term sunnah is only right when it is defined in that light.

I have explained a lot of points in my posts from which people may benefit but that is only possible if they will read my work and challenge it.

we should not oppose or support anyone blindly but with learning and better arguments. that is the right way to go and that is exactly what is needed for our unity. good arguments with irrefutable evidences will convince all of us so long as we are open to learning otherwise unity based on ignorance is no unity at all because each time we face a new problem we will divide again and again because we have no intellectual basis.

the quran is a book and book is all about learning and teaching knowledge. this is good enough evidence that learning is vital for unity otherwise quran will not make sense to us. quran being a book is for intellectuals who can understand what it says so that they could do what it advises and get the promised results.
