How Chairman NAB Helped corrupt Politicians, Riches by Changing... is totally un acceptable, Violation of Pak LAW(Sami Ibrahim)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
NAB and it's chairman has proved he is bias by not arresting these corrupt people and giving them the opportunity to use their money and create another hell of corruption before the coming elections in Pakistan. NAB proved that citizens of Pakistan are not as important as these criminals who probably have paid the chairman of NAB to favor them. NAB has proved it is not an accountability bureau, it is an accounts bureau and is trying to protect the accounts of NAWAZ and goons. Why are the corrupt and corruption so honorable for NAB? Why are they given any facility against the law by NAB? NAB is involved in anti Pakistan activities by supporting these criminals who are known as the facilitators of enemies of Pakistan.

v r imran k

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
this shameless creature chairman nab javed iqbal didn't doing anything else just take notice and then nothing so they dont want to do any thing in near future ..i dont hope that nab arrested looter plunder i dont think so
