My age is now 30 years
from the last 25 years i m watching Israel`s unlawful attitude towards Muslims
- all over the world have tried (in some senses) to stop Israel on table discussion
- Hammas & Alfatah tried hard by use of weapon
Is there any other solution????
Please ignore the harsh comments given by other forum members. This is not the way Prophet PBUH has taught us to convey our message. It is not their fault either, we have been through multiple generation of unethical conducts and frustration and this the fruit of not sticking to the values.
We will not be able to be successfull untill we stop siding with the enemies of islam and start holding onto Quran. Each of us due to the hatred we brew among each other depends on people who are enemies of our deen. This is becuase we have stopped following and understanding quran. In order to understand Quran we always take one leander and feverishly follow him.
We need to spend time to understand the message conveyed by Quran and the guide lines provided by Prophet PBUH. What every individual need is to start not only reading quran but also to understand it literally what Allah wanted to convey to us. Do not pick one Alim of your choice and only follow him. Try to understand the pint of view of other too and then be the judge. Allah has given us all the wisdom to be the decision makers and our life in Akhirat will be judged on those basis.
Do not be confused by the fact that many of the followers of Mr Ghulam Ahmed are very smart and successful in this world. There are much more successful individuals that are in Jews. It does not mean that they are right and we are wrong.
I would suggest you to go back to Quran, understand its message, understand the Hadeeth and then judge your eman based on that. The time is running swiftly, and this is the most important thing in life is to correct our eman. In my opinion any body who dare to change any thing in Quran and dare to mis interpret the message and try to provide an alternate way of living than what is dictated by Prophet PBUH, is following the path of jews and christians. It is pretty evident that life and guidance of Prophet Muhammad is the final way of life and any body who even try to convey a different message is taking the muslim umaah to a whole new path of disastor. Since you believe in Quran I would request you to go read it and read the Ahadeeth of Prohpet muhammad about him being the final prophet and about the characteristics of Mehdi.
The same goes to the rest of the muslim world. The issue is we have made our own gods and we do not follow Quran and Sunnah. We are barelvey, shafai, hanbali, hanafi, deo bandi but we are not muslims. We do not want to understand the message of quran independenty but want to judge the message based on what our religious leaders convey to us. Either we are too lazy to judge their actions and words or too lazy to even open the book of Allah.