How can we stop Israel


My age is now 30 years
from the last 25 years i m watching Israel`s unlawful attitude towards Muslims

  • all over the world have tried (in some senses) to stop Israel on table discussion
  • Hammas & Alfatah tried hard by use of weapon
Is there any other solution????


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

our must powerfull way/ weapen with out any cost to pay . for the success in you dawa you need a pure ,case, heart, for muslim poelpe to be benifit of it as
in this case .
so what you waiting for ,please make all of you hands up and says GOD finish ISREAL AS A STATE but let jews live becase ALLAH like bani isreals.

taul - Blogger
--Non muslim qadiyanis should be the last to worry about muslims anywhere in the world......As if one catchy slogan "love for all hatred for none" wasn't enough to snare poor 'n' innocent>>>now thought of another touchy topic to gain sympathies.........Your Non muslim qadiyani leaders love to hang out and invite to feast the very same israeli/zionist leader shimon peres whose country you are so innocently highlighting!!!.........Leave everything to muslims to worry and sort out!!


--Non muslim qadiyanis should be the last to worry about muslims anywhere in the world......As if one catchy slogan "love for all hatred for none" wasn't enough to snare poor 'n' innocent>>>now thought of another touchy topic to gain sympathies.........Your Non muslim qadiyani leaders love to hang out and invite to feast the very same israeli/zionist leader shimon peres whose country you are so innocently highlighting!!!.........Leave everything to muslims to worry and sort out!!
brother Assalam o Alaikum
with due respect plz try to change ur u think that ur style to talk is according to the teachings of Holy Quran.. today islam is becoming notorious because of u people.
we do not need ur sympathies....keep ur sympathies for u...

i m subject to those intellectuals who understand the true teachings of Islam..
Definitely Islam is the only religion...who has the secret of peace......
But what is that secret????

taul - Blogger
brother Assalam o Alaikum
with due respect plz try to change ur u think that ur style to talk is according to the teachings of Holy Quran.. today islam is becoming notorious because of u people.
we do not need ur sympathies....keep ur sympathies for u...

i m subject to those intellectuals who understand the true teachings of Islam..
Definitely Islam is the only religion...who has the secret of peace......
But what is that secret????

--So the subject you're trying to highlight being a qadiyani non muslim doesn't suit you,like i said you enjoy very cozy and cordial relations with the same Israeli/Zionist state and their leaders,so automatically the subject of your concern goes downhill.......On top of that you Non muslim qaidyanis are living to the fullest abroad then why even bother something that is a complete non issue for you!!!You should be worrying and focusing on and looking after building your assets...

--Had you even slightly thought of or had hint of the word "Intellectualism" you'd certainly dissociate yourself right away from the deluded and deranged freak>>mirza ahmed qadiyani and leave the cult.

--If you would like to know about Islam,we muslims would be more than happy to guide you.
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Senator (1k+ posts)
Vatican calls Israeli occupation 'INJUSTICE'

Vatican City, June 02: A Vatican document leaked Tuesday calls the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories a "political injustice," Italy's ANSA news agency reported.

The occupation is a "political injustice imposed on the Palestinians," the Vatican says, according to extracts quoted by ANSA.

"The Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories makes daily life difficult for freedom of movement, the economy and social and religious life," the text says.

The Instrumentum Laboris, a working document on an upcoming synod of bishops on the Middle East, was embargoed for release until Sunday, when Pope Benedict XVI was to present it during a visit to Cyprus.

ANSA's report came as Israel drew worldwide condemnation for a deadly commando raid on Monday against a flotilla of boats laden with humanitarian aid for occupied Gaza, which has been under an Israeli blockade since 2007.

Vatican spokesman Ciro Benedettini declined to comment on the report when contacted.

The Vatican document deplores lack of "access to holy places, dependent on military permits accorded to some (and) refused to others for security reasons," ANSA said.

It adds: "Some fundamentalist Christian groups cite the Holy Scriptures to defend the political injustice imposed on the Palestinians, making even more delicate the position of Arab Christians," the 40-page document says.

The paper was compiled over several months, focusing on the situation of Christians living in the Middle East with the Palestinian issue as a backdrop, ANSA said.

The synod is set for October 10-24 at the Vatican.

Benedict, who will visit Cyprus from Friday to Sunday, will hand over the document to a 12-member pre-synod council during an open-air mass in the Cypriot capital.



--So the subject you're trying to highlight being a qadiyani non muslim doesn't suit you,like i said you enjoy very cozy and cordial relations with the same Israeli/Zionist state and their leaders,so automatically the subject of your concern goes downhill.......On top of that you Non muslim qaidyanis are living to the fullest abroad then why even bother something that is a complete non issue for you!!!You should be worrying and focusing on and looking after building your assets...

--Had you even slightly thought of or had hint of the word "Intellectualism" you'd dissociate yourself from the deluded and deranged freak>>mirza ahmed qadiyani and leave the cult.

--If you would like to know about Islam,we muslims would be more than happy to guide you.

ok brother come to the ground
today world will see....................who guide....??

taul - Blogger
ok brother come to the ground
today world will see....................who guide....??

--let's start from the basics>>the freak himself!!Now shall we..

--Why do you follow that freak who lived not that long ago!!!who is mirza ghulam ahmed qadiyani to you???why do you follow him????

--Is he some kinda leader like nawaz,bhutto or what??A normal layman or what!!!
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--Shoot...let's start from the basics>>the freak himself!!Now shall we..

--Why do you follow that freak who lived not that long ago!!!who is mirza ghulam ahmed qadiyani to you???why do you follow him????

--Is he some kinda leader like nawaz,bhutto or what??A normal layman or what!!!

Mr.......... for God sake plz be sense able....
when we used to say come to ground and guide us....then u start dramas.............
today i brought a sense able hot issue to discuss.....but just because of u complete THREAD has been disturb.....

taul - Blogger
Mr.......... for God sake plz be sense able....
when we used to say come to ground and guide us....then u start dramas.............
today i brought a sense able hot issue to discuss.....but just because of u complete THREAD has been disturb.....

--Listen if you do not want to talk about your qadiyani leader,that's fine!!!!

--But this message is clear you really should not worry about any of the Muslims worldwide,even the Palestinians you're talking about which are the focus of your interest,they are Muslims too>>>>>so you can go to your own Non muslim community of qadiyanis and sort their issues and matters...There's no problem in it,believe me!!!

--It's useless to even discuss and shed any light on any muslim's issues with a Non muslim qadiyani.

--We Muslims are least bothered about any qadiyani problems.
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Knowledge Seeker

Senator (1k+ posts)
My age is now 30 years
from the last 25 years i m watching Israel`s unlawful attitude towards Muslims

  • all over the world have tried (in some senses) to stop Israel on table discussion
  • Hammas & Alfatah tried hard by use of weapon
Is there any other solution????

I am very pleased that the follower of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed has noticed the unlawful attitude of Israel towards Muslims and looking for its solution.

Our beloved Prophet (pbuh) said : Allah will bring out Al-Mahdi from my family and just before the day of judgment; even if only one day were to remain in the life of the world and he will spread on this earth justice and equity and will eliminate tyranny and oppression. [Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal: Vol 01: Page 99; Majma‘-uz-zawā’id: Vol 7: Page 316]

Hence, Mirza Ghulam Ahmed died without spreading justice and eliminating tyranny on this earth so his claim of Mahdi does not fulfil the criteria in above mentioned Hadith and your analysis of Israel's Attitude as well.

Now, The followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed need to worry about getting rid of his false claims phobia and accept Islam in order to discuss the solutions of injustice with Muslims on the earth.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
My age is now 30 years
from the last 25 years i m watching Israel`s unlawful attitude towards Muslims

  • all over the world have tried (in some senses) to stop Israel on table discussion
  • Hammas & Alfatah tried hard by use of weapon
Is there any other solution????

Mr anwarulhaq
i m very surprized that u was very active at the age of 5 same like ur nameless leader. so it mean u r high grade agent could be from CIA,MOSAD or RAW.coz last 25 years u been spying muslims.
i do hav solution but its in urdu
"sanp(snake) ko marny se pehly sanpoliy ko marna zaroori hota hai"


Minister (2k+ posts)
taul im surprised how you identified this guy as qadyani?????? Do they use some special IP addresses......hahahhahahaha.


i m very sorry to say all viewers.....
i raised one issue....but u r all seems to non-serious
some of my friends use to say me qadiani....notorious MOSAD , CIA or RAW agent
plz ask urself ...... r u able to discuss any serious issue???
Israeli culprits are killing innocents ......but for u people its just a news....just news....

sarbakaf - Blogger
Be stronger then them, be one step ahead of them ...and you can stop them
as long as we trail them.............we can not stop them........

taul - Blogger
taul im surprised how you identified this guy as qadyani?????? Do they use some special IP addresses......hahahhahahaha.

--Lol Brother sangeen there isn't anything like that :) but they themselves identify who they actually are,have a look at this post started by another qadiyani who had this typical id of a qadiyani which is this very luring slogan "Love for All hatred for None" ,this happens to be their favourite marketing tool and using such sweet words they trap poor 'n' ill-informed public and even misguide poor christians and people of other faiths.


MPA (400+ posts)
My age is now 30 years
from the last 25 years i m watching Israel`s unlawful attitude towards Muslims

  • all over the world have tried (in some senses) to stop Israel on table discussion
  • Hammas & Alfatah tried hard by use of weapon
Is there any other solution????

Please ignore the harsh comments given by other forum members. This is not the way Prophet PBUH has taught us to convey our message. It is not their fault either, we have been through multiple generation of unethical conducts and frustration and this the fruit of not sticking to the values.

We will not be able to be successfull untill we stop siding with the enemies of islam and start holding onto Quran. Each of us due to the hatred we brew among each other depends on people who are enemies of our deen. This is becuase we have stopped following and understanding quran. In order to understand Quran we always take one leander and feverishly follow him.
We need to spend time to understand the message conveyed by Quran and the guide lines provided by Prophet PBUH. What every individual need is to start not only reading quran but also to understand it literally what Allah wanted to convey to us. Do not pick one Alim of your choice and only follow him. Try to understand the pint of view of other too and then be the judge. Allah has given us all the wisdom to be the decision makers and our life in Akhirat will be judged on those basis.
Do not be confused by the fact that many of the followers of Mr Ghulam Ahmed are very smart and successful in this world. There are much more successful individuals that are in Jews. It does not mean that they are right and we are wrong.
I would suggest you to go back to Quran, understand its message, understand the Hadeeth and then judge your eman based on that. The time is running swiftly, and this is the most important thing in life is to correct our eman. In my opinion any body who dare to change any thing in Quran and dare to mis interpret the message and try to provide an alternate way of living than what is dictated by Prophet PBUH, is following the path of jews and christians. It is pretty evident that life and guidance of Prophet Muhammad is the final way of life and any body who even try to convey a different message is taking the muslim umaah to a whole new path of disastor. Since you believe in Quran I would request you to go read it and read the Ahadeeth of Prohpet muhammad about him being the final prophet and about the characteristics of Mehdi.
The same goes to the rest of the muslim world. The issue is we have made our own gods and we do not follow Quran and Sunnah. We are barelvey, shafai, hanbali, hanafi, deo bandi but we are not muslims. We do not want to understand the message of quran independenty but want to judge the message based on what our religious leaders convey to us. Either we are too lazy to judge their actions and words or too lazy to even open the book of Allah.
