Ho Kya Raha Hai 29th March 2016 - Revelations of RAW Agent

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Indian shehree prove kerna ho ga because this is interesting to note that Indians are claiming that he is retired officer and then they are wanting to talk to him although his name is Hussain patel.
Valid PP and valid Visa and then what he is saying about his activities is even more serious.

I am amazed at the questions being raised

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
After leaving PML-N Ayyaz Amir is talking logical.

As for Dr Farrukh Salim he is raising fasicious questions. It seems he does not understand the critical situation. If there is no model so be it, it does not mean that we can not move forward making dynamic decisions.

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Dr Farrukh Salim sahib you are answering your own questions by accepting the total incompetence, total lack of vision, total lack of planning or anticipating any event by the political leadership of Pakistan given the dharna at D chowk and yet you want a legal path to crisis faced by people of Pakistan on a daily basis vis-a-vis the involvement of Army!
