Here's how Apple's new iPhone 8 and iPhone X compare to the top Android smartphones

Chaos agent

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
We won't know exactly how Apple's new iPhone stack up to the competition until we get them in hand.

iPhone X The iPhone X matches rivals with its large screen. Justin Sullivan/Getty


But at least on paper, its new flagship iPhone X compares favorably with its rivals — at least if you can set aside its $1,000 price.

Apple unveiled its latest iPhones, which include the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus as well as the iPhone X, at a press event on Tuesday. In looks as well as in specs, the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus represent incremental updates from last year's iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. The most noticeable difference is that the back of the new phones is made of glass rather than metal, which allows them to support wireless charging.

Some of the iPhone X's components are similar to those in the iPhone 8s. But it has an all-new design, an organic light-emitting diode (OLED) screen that covers nearly its entire face, and a new facial-recognition system that's used to unlock it. It will also support wireless charging.

It's hard to tell exactly how the performance of the iPhone 8 and iPhone X will compare to the competition. But in other areas, such as wireless charging and the new display, the new iPhones are catching up with premium Android phones.

Here's how the specs on the iPhone 8 and iPhone X compare with those of some of the top Android smartphones on the market:




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MPA (400+ posts)
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