Hayaa Alal Falah 29th August 2010

Knowledge Seeker

Senator (1k+ posts)
Jazak Allah for sharing an informative program. This program is worth watching.

We are very fortunate that Allah has blessed Pakistan with some very knowledgeable and honest scholars like Allama Ghulam Rasul Saeedi. Despite the fact that he has been suffering from critical health condition from long time, By the Grace of Allah, he still managed to complete the valuable work.

1- Sharah e Sahih Muslim ( 7 Volumes)
2- Tafseer of Quran : Tibyan Al Quran ( 12 Volumes)
3- Sharah e Sahih Al Bukhari : NAIMAT UL BARI (So far 6 Volumes available) ; not completed yet.

May Allah give him health and courage to complete his work and reward him for his valuable dedication to Islam.
