Imran Khan accepted that FREE MEDIA in Pakistan because of MUSHARRAF.
It shows he is man of principle,if he criticizes some one its for some valid reason not just for the sake of criticism. And when it comes to give credit he doesn't shy away from giving due credit.
It is also showing that Great Musharraf was a victim of his own creation ( Media).
No, he was victim of his own blunders, free media is like a mirror, if you are good it will show you good, and if you are bad it will show you bad.
No, he was victim of his own blunders, free media is like a mirror, if you are good it will show you good, and if you are bad it will show you bad.
Hassan Nissar, I salute you.
But be ready for attack on you due to your outright truthfulness. You will be accused of being an agent of MQM or Pervez Musharraf.
These remenants of Jamatees, gunja force and fraudia PPP (bhatta khore not 10% may be 80% destructive maafia) will accuse you. So be ready and start wearing a helmet where ever you go brother.
I think, the way people of our country behave, their destinity is what happened on 16 th Dec, 1971, unless their eyes open.
Why do you have to spoil even a good intention with malicious words? This is a sign of confusion when you can not keep different things seperate. Our destiny is not in the hands of people who think like you do and Thank God for that! If you consider yourself a Pakistani then your destiny is the same as ours, do not be fooled that you will be spared anything good or otherwise.
Whats the appraisal or appreciation for Musharaf, he brought free and fair media for his own purposes, because at that time he was sure, he would deliver all the best and wanted to have that whole credit through media, and later, when he changed his line and became traditional ruler, he did his level best to got through media, threatened channels, as well as it leads to closure of channels etc. So what we are discussing here, who was great or who is great.
Hasan Nisar what ever he wrote is highly appreciate able, but sometimes he simply ignore the other dark side, which is worst and cruel as the brighter part, he tried to project.
Gilani was addressed very correctly, after that every remark is useless.
Whats the appraisal or appreciation for Musharaf, he brought free and fair media for his own purposes, because at that time he was sure, he would deliver all the best and wanted to have that whole credit through media, and later, when he changed his line and became traditional ruler, he did his level best to got through media, threatened channels, as well as it leads to closure of channels etc. So what we are discussing here, who was great or who is great.
Hasan Nisar what ever he wrote is highly appreciate able, but sometimes he simply ignore the other dark side, which is worst and cruel as the brighter part, he tried to project.
Gilani was addressed very correctly, after that every remark is useless.
Whats the appraisal or appreciation for Musharaf, he brought free and fair media for his own purposes, because at that time he was sure, he would deliver all the best and wanted to have that whole credit through media, and later, when he changed his line and became traditional ruler, he did his level best to got through media, threatened channels, as well as it leads to closure of channels etc. So what we are discussing here, who was great or who is great.
Hasan Nisar what ever he wrote is highly appreciate able, but sometimes he simply ignore the other dark side, which is worst and cruel as the brighter part, he tried to project.
Gilani was addressed very correctly, after that every remark is useless.
lolplease read the bold part of your own statement and think who would make the effort to bring anything Free and Fair? Only a person who has good honest intentions at the time of the decision of that act, therefore to say that he did it for personal gains in the future is too much confidence on your part to know the underlying intentions of a person and you are also saying that in retrospective! could you or did you say that at the time that he was doing it? We are all ery wise in the hind sight which is always 20/20.
WOWYaar Abbasi
After reading your above post a very funny KAHAWAT yaad agai.
Bhai mere, agar taareef hi kerni tou poori tarah kaor ya at least watch the show of Imran Khan posted by sparatacus here. Please have a look what your IK says.
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