Has Saudi Arabia taken in any refugees? The answer will shock you.

mubarik Shah

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: How many Syrian refugees Saudi Arabia has got? - The answer given by their foreign minister is surprising!

where is the proof ...rasadian kado.....


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: How many Syrian refugees Saudi Arabia has got? - The answer given by their foreign minister is surprising!

Just bull**** . No refugee camps because u dont have any refugee in the kingdom. Why saudis are killing the syrians and yeminis ? Next time it will be saudis---write it down.
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mubarik Shah

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: How many Syrian refugees Saudi Arabia has got? - The answer given by their foreign minister is surprising!

check to see wherever our Crime minister has links with, leader of those countries are involved in illegal, unethical activities.... so this corruption mafia is not just confined to Pak but this cancer has spread across the borders....
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MPA (400+ posts)
Re: How many Syrian refugees Saudi Arabia has got? - The answer given by their foreign minister is surprising!

Saudi government and Turkey government and U.K government are working for ISIS American terrorists..

Lewanay Lawangin

MPA (400+ posts)
Re: How many Syrian refugees Saudi Arabia has got? - The answer given by their foreign minister is surprising!

lol now i get where nawaz sharif learned to be tattu


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: How many Syrian refugees Saudi Arabia has got? - The answer given by their foreign minister is surprising!

ISIS was created by the west ,Turkey and Gulf states to over throw Assad.It backfired because of Russian and Iranian involvement.Assad is also to blame because for him hanging to power was more important than saving Syria.Assad belongs to the Alawi minority which makes up 11% of the population.More than 74% of Syrians are sunni muslims.The problem is Assad was never elected democratically.He like other Arab rulers thinks he or his family as a divine right to rule.Syria became so polarised that it provided outsiders opportunities to interfere and the country plunged into civil war.
In Pakistan Sharif family also thinks on the same lines.Nawaz has been implicated in dozens of corruption cases and scandals yet he is refusing to clear his name.Nawaz also believes he and his family has a divine right to rule.An honourable leader would have resigned by now.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: How many Syrian refugees Saudi Arabia has got? - The answer given by their foreign minister is surprising!

that is a massive number

to be honest, I was recently in saudia and i was all over the places, I didn't come across a single syrian


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: How many Syrian refugees Saudi Arabia has got? - The answer given by their foreign minister is surprising!

Joke of the month.....!!!!!!!!

اگر ایران کہتا تو کیا تسلیم کر لیتے ..
ایران قاتل ہے ..قاتل ہے

mubarik Shah

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: How many Syrian refugees Saudi Arabia has got? - The answer given by their foreign minister is surprising!

اگر ایران کہتا تو کیا تسلیم کر لیتے ..
ایران قاتل ہے ..قاتل ہے

Iran aur SArab dono hee qatil hain.... yeh Osma SArab ki paidawar hai..... dusree tark Iran sunnion ka katil hai...sirf Asad ko bachanay kay liyeh sunnion ko ziba kar raha hey.....

AAj germany meh waqiya howa tau poori duniya meh ghabrain phail gain hain... insani jano ka nuksaan ghalta baat hai... laikin media ki na insaafi bhee dhaikh lain...

Muslaman apnay deen say door howay to yeh duniya un ka liey tung ho gai......


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: How many Syrian refugees Saudi Arabia has got? - The answer given by their foreign minister is surprising!

that is a massive number

to be honest, I was recently in saudia and i was all over the places, I didn't come across a single syrian

wo 2.4 million sab ke sab King Suleman ke palace mein reh rahay hain, apko kesay nazar aatay....

Sphere Manisfest

Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: How many Syrian refugees Saudi Arabia has got? - The answer given by their foreign minister is surprising!

Add Qatar and the list is complete.

Saudi government and Turkey government and U.K government are working for ISIS American terrorists..


Minister (2k+ posts)
Irony is .. these bastar**ds are the ones creating problem in both countries ..

that said .. what he is saying is a pure lie ..
they are just totaling total number of syrian and yemeni workers and their families which were already working there ..
no person was taken as a refugee because of war

Anonymous Paki

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
بکواس کرتے ہیں ،،، یمن اور شام کی بربادی کا سعودیہ براپ راست زمہ دار ہیں،،، لاکھ لعنت


New Member
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