Haqomat Bani tu Nawaz Sharif ko Jail bhejon ga: Imran Khan interview with Sana Bucha tonight


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Imran don,t you worry --- sending him to the jail --- Because he already will be in the jail before that --- Insha Allah
App ko is ghilazat se hath ganday nahi karnay parain gay


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Imran Khan should avoid any more interviews before election.

He should not have disclose his intention about Noora sending to Jail. The Noora would now stay in London. Furthermore, the PMLN may use it against Imran Khan saying that do not elect a Dictator, and that this dictator would bypass Judiciary and will send people to Jail whom he doesn't like.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Why Imran khan come on tv all the time for interviews.he will lose audiences.I am worried if he said any word wrong it will damage all election. He must stop interviews until July 25

Don't think so..Medias is a big tool to convey your message..Agreed for this point that he should be careful when giving some statements..


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Why Imran khan come on tv all the time for interviews.he will lose audiences.I am worried if he said any word wrong it will damage all election. He must stop interviews until July 25

I somewhat agree. He can give interviews but he should focus more on their agenda/manshoor and less on opponents....because when you talk about opponents, there is a risk of saying something that could 'upset' swing voters.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Imran Khan should avoid any more interviews before election.

He should not have disclose his intention about Noora sending to Jail. The Noora would now stay in London. Furthermore, the PMLN may use it against Imran Khan saying that do not elect a Dictator, and that this dictator would bypass Judiciary and will send people to Jail whom he doesn't like.

I agree, he should avoid these kind of statements. However, keeping nooras in London will actually help PTI...at least for the elections.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Imran Khan Sahib...please STOP giving such statements, last time in Moh. Maliks Interview you said you will order to shoot down the US Drones ans then you got less than expected seats....
Please do not answer with specifics and detail, just say accountability would be impartial and with a Top to bottom approach resulting in the return of stolen money ...
Stop falling into traps set by these smiling media persons .. this Sana Botox and others are just opportunists please be ware of them...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Any PTI supporters , PTI kids or their leaders would give us any idea please

" What power a PM possesses in Pakistani law that PM can send jail any person " ???

In my view PM can not send jail any person . There is no such power PM possesses .


Minister (2k+ posts)
Last month, in interview Mr. IK appointed lawyer to file case against Nadra, because they give sensitive record to PMLN,
What happen this case, is there any update ??

fawad ali

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The same way imran khan jailed Asandyar wali, Fazlu rehman and specially the most corrupt Aftab Sherpo in kpk.
Imran khan should stop giving Sultan rahi style statments and be more realistic.
