Hanif Abbasi talks to his supporters after his arrest

irfan gul

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
‏حنیف عباسی گرفتاری کے بعد کارکنوں کو پر امن رہنے اور احاطہ عدالت سے باہر جانے کی تلقین کرتے ہوئے.

اگر آپ نے میری بات نہ مانی تو سمجھوں گا آپ میرے ساتھ نہیں، حنیف عباسی

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What it proves , even hanif Abbasi has more followers than Nawaz Sharif. There was no one on announcement of Nawaz's verdict.

Hanif Abbasi and his fans even didn't turned out when Nawaz Sharif was moving to Lahore after being disqualified for life.

mubarik Shah

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What it proves , even hanif Abbasi has more followers than Nawaz Sharif. There was no one on announcement of Nawaz's verdict.

Hanif Abbasi and his fans even didn't turned out when Nawaz Sharif was moving to Lahore after being disqualified for life.

Bhai... this is a game within a game....
Shahbaz sharif is playing games with his paa jee Nawaz...
He wants to take control of Nawaz party..
and take over his wealth as well... according to news Shahbaz is saying it is the best time to get even with Mariam.....


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What it proves , even hanif Abbasi has more followers than Nawaz Sharif. There was no one on announcement of Nawaz's verdict.

Hanif Abbasi and his fans even didn't turned out when Nawaz Sharif was moving to Lahore after being disqualified for life.

It clearly shows N leegi respect drug dealer more than money launderer.


Two Stooges

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
میرا ایجاد کردہ کردار نیفا پوڈری المعروف نیفاں بےبے
گاڑی سے کچلے ہوئے کتّے کی طرح بلدیہ کی گاڑی میں ڈال کر لے جایا جا رہا ہے
حرامزادہ نہ جانے کتنے برسوں سے منشیات بیچ رہا تھا

خلائی مخلوق نے ہاتھ اُٹھا لیا، اور دھر لیا گیا


Senator (1k+ posts)
hahaha. Joke of the day.

PMLN thugs surrounded Narcotics court all day. Judges were fearful of their safety and they had to call more force for protection.

Verdict delayed almost till midnight because of loonies of PMLN.


MPA (400+ posts)
danda hi bota wada si. inho ne suprim court pe hamlay kye howay hain bhai tab hi itni dair se failsa aya our police bulani parh gei.
