Hamid Mir Take Class Of Zubair Umar Over PTI MNAs Salaries
Zubair is right, that the salaries were given to humiliate and expose the reality of Pootians.
Zubair is right, that the salaries were given to humiliate and expose the reality of Pootians.
Wapis ker do na yaar. Unhon nay tumhari ethics expose awam kay samnay expose kernay kay liyay diya. Tum log wapis ker do. Simple.Waah G, Kia competent Party hai PML-N Pakistaniyo ka Tax money dusro ko Embarrass karnay k liye deti hai, Unka Haq na bhi banta ho?:lol:
Haha, chill man, chill.
I wanna ask, Zubair Kay BAAP ka pasa haa jo PTI ko de diya haa.. if they wanna do political bullshi*t do with their own money y they r using Pakistani ppl's money for their political dramas ... they really think its kingship ... King NS and his darbari can loot and give money to anyone they want ...
we should take him to court as PML N is agreeing that they r using tax payers money for their bullshi*t political stuff .. but at the end in court PML N will use more tax payer money to buy the judges
Without de-seating, PMLN has exposed PooTI even more. That's the whole plan.
روز ٹی وی پر آ کر ان کے ترلے خود کو شرمندہ کرنے کو کرتے تھے؟ آج بھی اگر ان کو شرمندہ کرنا ہے تو ن لیگ ان کو ڈی سیٹ کرے ورنہ ان گھٹیا حرکتوں سے پی ٹی ای کو فائدہ دے گی نقصان نہیں
ہم نے ن لیگ کو بیشمار پروگراموں میں انھیں اسمبلییوں میں آنے کو کہتے سنا کے وہ آ کر نیشنل اشوز پر اپنا رول ادا کریں جب کے ایک بار بھی تحریک انصاف کے کسی ممبر نے نہیں کہا تھا ٹی وی پر حکومت ہمیں بلا لے تو ہم جاتے ہیں
ن لیگ کے سپیکر غیر قانونی حرکت کے مرتکب قرار پاتے ہیں پی ٹی ای کے ممبران کو ممبران قرار دینے پر ان کو بھی اور تحریک انصاف کے ممبروں کو بھی ڈی سیٹ کر دو اگر ذرا سی بھی اخلاقی جرات ہے تو.
Wapis ker do na yaar. Unhon nay tumhari ethics expose awam kay samnay expose kernay kay liyay diya. Tum log wapis ker do. Simple.
Paisay bhi lainay aur gardan pr joota bhi rakhna, wah g pootio. Wah.
Haan, embarrassment kay liyay di aur ker bhi diya embarass.Haha. Jawab do mujhe. Tumhari Baat ka Jawab toh PTI k Representative de chuka hai. But tumhari Party kyu Pakistanyo ka paisa un logo ko deti hai, jin per woh un paiso ka haq nai samajti? Aur sirf Embarrass karnay k liye deti hai? Yani Khazaana bhara huwa hai, apnay dushmano per nichawar kartay jao agar tumhara Political fyda hota ho. LOL:)
Haha, chill man, chill.
PooTI is exposed as ethics-less party and just like the others.
Paisay wapis nahi kiyay, case karain gay. Haha.
Haan, embarrassment kay liyay di aur ker bhi diya embarass.
Gunpoint per to nahi di salary. Na laitay na PooTI walay. Lainay ka bara shoq hai aik tou.
If PooTI is so honest and full of ethics, why did they take it? Why?
PTI give money back or not is not my concern right now .. my Q is How can PML N give money of ppl of pakistan for their political purpose its called corruption ... and zubair is accepting it in public
Now grow up from just party politics and learn whats happening ... tomorrow he can claim to make someone look bad or greedy govt. of pakistan gave him few billion $s ... so as i said its not their fathers money to distribute ...
Haan, embarrassment kay liyay di aur ker bhi diya embarass.
Gunpoint per to nahi di salary. Na laitay na PooTI walay. Lainay ka bara shoq hai aik tou.
Without de-seating, PMLN has exposed PooTI even more. That's the whole plan.
Did you see how IK made a lame excuse of Yemen to rush back to Parliament? I have seen sheep with more courage than the weak u-turning Imran.
What a shameless joke and shameless leader and shameless followers.
Paisay pockets main dalnay hain aur criticize PMLN ko kerna hai. Tobah.
My friend, I've been talking to you quite a long time now and in the start I used to respect you, because at that time PTI wasn't exposed that much and you used to always say that we should give time to PTI and it is too early to start judging them in Autumn 2013 etc.correct your knowledge before saying something. Har parliamentarian ka account hota hai, Account main Salary khud transfer hoti hai. PTI walay line main nai karay thay salary lenay k liye.
Dusri baat you seem a dumb person and you deserve Most expensive Metro Bus Service yet with showering roof's since you support our tax money being given out to someone for their embarrassment(means political benefit) than considering it their right..
Reserves are highest in the history of Pakistan and you are still crying your silly little whining trumpet.
ن لیگ ہی رو رہی تھی نہ قوم کے سامنے ہماری بے عزتی کرنے کا اصل فورم پارلیمنٹ ہے غلط جگہ سے ہماری بے عزتی کر رہے ہیں تو تحریک انصاف پاکستان کے سامنے پارلیمنٹ میں ن لیگ کی منتوں ترلوں کے بعد آ گئی ہے ڈی سیٹ کر دو تو پھر وہاں سے ہی ن لیگ کی بے عزتی کرے گی.پوری قوم کو بتائے گی ن لیگ کی اصلیت بلکہ دیکھ بھی رہی ہے قوم ن لیگ نے ملک کو قرضوں اندھیروں ں بے روزگاری مہنگائی کے سوا ایسا کچھ دیا نہیں ہے کے اس کی خیریت گزرے. جب ان سارے جرائم کے بعد ن لیگ تننخواہیں لے رہی ہے تو تحریک انصاف کیوں نہ لے نواز شریف کی جیب سے نہیں آتی تنخواہ ... .
My friend, I've been talking to you quite a long time now and in the start I used to respect you, because at that time PTI wasn't exposed that much and you used to always say that we should give time to PTI and it is too early to start judging them in Autumn 2013 etc.
That was a smart thing. But look at you now, you are defending every single thing this lame *** Khan is upto and you're blindly justifying it just like Patwaris and Jayalas justify their leaders. Such a shame.
Now just look at your logic. Just because salaries are on automatic release, doesn't mean that PTI people must keep them. Specially when PTI people have made it a point to protest against being in the parliament, therefore they are the ones who are morally obliged to return the salaries, if even to them on purpose or automatically.
Let me explain this in another example. If a person makes a point of protesting against something in form of a hunger strike then that person can't use the excuse that 'oh just because you put food infront of me, I ate it'.
PTI made a point to protest against this parliament. They should not have taken the salary against something which they call illegal. Try to understand that logic rather than blindly justifying every single PTI idiocy.
Reserves are highest in the history of Pakistan and you are still crying your silly little whining trumpet.
Give it time, give it time and things will start to get better. Nothing will happen overnight like IK has fooled you into believing so give it time.
Meanwhile you can enjoy your salaries, new Ammi and Imrani shagoofay.
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