Hamid Mir said that elections weren’t possible if it wasn’t for my efforts - Saqib Nisar


Minister (2k+ posts)
Hamir MIR has not told any news paper that he meet with CJ. Shame on you Hamid Mir, you called yourself a Journalist. Is this journalism. When you talk against ARMY then you voice become loud and aggressive. you can be just a media whore and intellectual ignorant.

SHAME ON YOU HAMID MIR. IF YOU HAVE A BIT OF SHAME leave media and news paper. Do something else but I know you can't because who'll sponsor yourd kids boarding fee here in UK.


MPA (400+ posts)
حیرت ہے شہباز شریف کو کسی نے حامد میر کی سازش والی تھیوری نہیں بتائی

Liberal 000

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
iss showbaaz CJ kee bass talk shows mein aanay kee kamee reh gaee hai.

It's not that simple.... When political parties and media launch a blatant attack on judiciary then the Chief of judiciary must counter it.

Problem is with us ... We want judiciary and army not to speak against media or politicians but on the other hand we have given free hand to politicians and media to speak against military and judiciary without any proofs but on conjectures and self built conspiratory stories .....it will not work like this!


Minister (2k+ posts)
Remember he is the same guy who blamed his fake shooting on army intelligence. He is basically on payroll of Zardari


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
It's not that simple.... When political parties and media launch a blatant attack on judiciary then the Chief of judiciary must counter it.

Problem is with us ... We want judiciary and army not to speak against media or politicians but on the other hand we have given free hand to politicians and media to speak against military and judiciary without any proofs but on conjectures and self built conspiratory stories .....it will not work like this!

maaf keejeay gaa, its the other way around.
judges have during past decade or so have started to openly speak against politicians and started to interfere in political and governance matters.
A judge is strictly prohibit to even take up cases that are politically motivated. Not saying panama should not have been take up.

Similarly ISPR and agencies have been feeding media for a long time against politicians.
The biggest lifafa provider is no one else than the jurnaail and agencies themselves.

Politicians and media cant even name agencies and jurnails. dhakay chupay lafz mein dar darr kay boltay hein.
Same applies to judiciary.

Jurnails and judges on the other hand must, in all circumstances, remain out of public view and focus on their job. This is their basic and fundamental job requirement enshrined in their oath and ethics.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

Liberal 000

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
maaf keejeay gaa, its the other way around.
judges have during past decade or so have started to openly speak against politicians and started to interfere in political and governance matters.

A judge is strictly prohibit to even take up cases that are politically motivated. Not saying panama should not have been take up.

Similarly ISPR and agencies have been feeding media for a long time against politicians.
The biggest lifafa provider is no one else than the jurnaail and agencies themselves.

Politicians and media cant even name agencies and jurnails. dhakay chupay lafz mein dar darr kay boltay hein.
Same applies to judiciary.

Jurnails and judges on the other hand must, in all circumstances, remain out of public view and focus on their job. This is their basic and fundamental job requirement enshrined in their oath and ethics.

I haven't seen ISPR or Generals feeding media..... If it's behind doors then its media's own weakness and you cannot blame someone else for your own weakness!

Personally I do not think any independent media exists in this country.... all media channels and most journalists work for their owners..... I do not see strong journalist unions or laws to protect them from their owners.

As for basic life necessities are concernd like health facilities and education. I think judges should take notice of it as our constitution guarantees these things to common people.
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MPA (400+ posts)

مجھے یہ تو معلوم تھا کہ حامد میر پاکستان کی سلامتی کے خلاف اور ہندوستان کے مفاد کے لیئے کام کرنے والے ایک وطن فروش کا بیٹا ہے اور اس وطن فروش کو وطن فروشی کا انعام حاصل کرنے کا موقع اللہ رب العزت نے نہیں اور حامد میر پاکستان کا وہ واحد بیٹا تھا جس نے اپنے وطن فروش باپ کا انعام خود بنگلہ دیش جا کر اپنے ہاتھوں سے وصول کیا، اس کے ساتھ عاصمہ جہانگیر بھی تھی۔
لیکن مجھے یہ نہیں معلوم تھا کہ یہ موجودہ وقت کا وطن فروش چھپ چھپ کر اسی عدالت کے سربراہ کو ملتا ہے اور اس بارے کسی بھی میڈیا سیل کو کچھ نہیں بتاتا جس عدالت کو یہ اپنے کالموں میں کنگرو کورٹ کا نام دیتا ہے۔

یہ حامد میر، نواز شریف، شہباز شریف، حمزہ شہباز، گورنر پنجاب رجوانہ، دانیال عزیز،رانا ثناء اللہ، ،ڈان اخبار ،جنگ و جیو،جاوید چودری اور دیگر بہت سے اس وقت لندن میں نواز شریف کے دونوں بیٹوں کے ساتھ رابطے میں ہیں اور ان کو صلاح مشورے بھی دے رہے ہیں جس پر چل کر وہ بیرون ممالک کے اخبارات اور ٹیلی ویژن پر پاکستان کی آئی ایس آئی، اور فوج کے خلاف پروپیگنڈہ چلا رہے ہیں اور اس گیم میں اچھا خاص مال بھی ان دونوں کا خرچ ہو رہا ہے، ایون فیلڈ کو اس وقت کرائے پر کیوں دیا جا رہا ہے؟ دیگر تمام پراپرٹی کو کیوں فروخت کیا جا رہا ہے؟ ایسا کرنے کے مشورے ان دونوں اشتہاریوں کو کون دے رہا ہے؟

اڈیالہ جیل میں پنجاب اور سرحد کے گورنروں نے نواز شریف سے خفیہ ملاقاتیں کیوں کیں؟

جیل سپریڈنٹ نے ان ملاقاتوں میں کیا اور کہاں کیسا رول ادا کیا اور کیوں کیا؟ جیل خانہ کے اس افسر نے اپنے خط میں نواز شریف کی جھوٹی بیماری کو اردو اور انگریزی ٹیلی ویژن اور اخبارات میں کیوں ترجیح بنیادوں پر تشہیر کرنے کا حکم کس کے حکم سے دیا؟
کچھ لوگ اس وقت کھل کر پاکستان اور آئی ایس آئی کو تباہ کرنے کی سازش میں کھل کر آگئے ہیں جیسے حامد میر اور جسٹس صدیقی وغیرہ اور کچھ لوگ دونوں جانب کھیلنے کی کوشش کر رہے ہیں جیسے کاشف عباسی اور ارشد شریف وغیرہ۔

یہاں یہ بھی بتاتا چلوں کہ مبینہ طور پر اے آر وائی عنقریب جیو گروپ کا دوست بننے جا رہا ہے اور اس میں امکان ہے ملک ریاض نے بڑا کردار ادا کیا ہے۔کیوںکہ نئی حکومت بننے کے ساتھ ہی ان تمام صحافیوں، ملک ریاض جیسے قبضہ مافیا اور ٹی وی مالکان جو پاکستان اور فوج مخالف ہیں شامل تفتیش ہونے والے ہیں اس لیئے یہ وطن فروش اس وقت بوکھلائے ہوئے ہیں اور ان سب کا پارٹنر آصف زرداری ہے جس کا الحمد اللہ پہلا اوپن کیس سامنے آ گیا ہے اور الیکشن کے فوری بعد زرداری اور اس کی بہن کو عدالت نے بلا لیا ہے۔

ان وطن فروشوں کو اس وقت عمران خان سے اتنا ڈر نہیں آ رہا بلکہ ان وطن فروشوں کا اس تحقیقات اور تفتیش کا خوف دامن گیر ہے جو عنقریب ان کو اپنے شنکجے میں لینے والی ہے۔اے میری قوم کے لوگو! ان وطن فروشوں سے خوف زدہ نہ ہوں بلکہ اس وقت پورا دھیان الیکشن پر کھیں اور ایک نئے پاکستان کی بنیاد رکھیں، انشاءاللہ

note: copy paste from @ saqiwa post


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I haven't seen ISPR or Generals feeding media..... If it's behind doors then its media's own weakness and you cannot blame someone else for your own weakness!

Personally I do not think any independent media exists in this country.... all media channels and most journalists work for their owners..... I do not see strong journalist unions or laws to protect them from their owners.

As for basic life necessities are concernd like health facilities and education. I think judges should take notice of it as our constitution guarantees these things to common people.

If it's behind doors then its media's own weakness and you cannot blame someone else for your own weakness!
Are you serious? jurnails se apna kaam tou hota hai..aaj tak aik jang nahi jeetay..aur chalay hein mulk sudharnay.

all media channels and most journalists work for their owners..
totally wrong. International media is left or right aligned, but there is editorial board and policies made by seasoned journalists, not be seth sahab, that everyone adheres to.

I think judges should take notice of it
judgess e apni nokri hoo nahi rahee, they take directions from agencies and rishwat from awam..aur chalay hein mulk sudharnay.

Liberal 000

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
If it's behind doors then its media's own weakness and you cannot blame someone else for your own weakness!
Are you serious? jurnails se apna kaam tou hota hai..aaj tak aik jang nahi jeetay..aur chalay hein mulk sudharnay.

all media channels and most journalists work for their owners..
totally wrong. International media is left or right aligned, but there is editorial board and policies made by seasoned journalists, not be seth sahab, that everyone adheres to.

I think judges should take notice of it
judgess e apni nokri hoo nahi rahee, they take directions from agencies and rishwat from awam..aur chalay hein mulk sudharnay.

Yehi tu problem hai hamari .... You again blaming military and judiciary without any proofs..... In this way I can also blame you for taking directions from international establishment or from some enemy country!

Stop this blame game .... It's the weakness of media and politicians.... When journalists are owned by channel owners and political parties are family corporations then they are just garbage!

At least army is an institution , whenever there will be a war between an institution and a family limited company obviously any patriotic Pakistani will support an institution


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Yehi tu problem hai hamari .... You again blaming military and judiciary without any proofs..... In this way I can also blame you for taking directions from international establishment or from some enemy country!

Stop this blame game .... It's the weakness of media and politicians.... When journalists are owned by channel owners and political parties are family corporations then they are just garbage!

At least army is an institution , whenever there will be a war between an institution and a family limited company obviously any patriotic Pakistani will support an institution

ARmy institution ka kaam politicians se nahi bharat se war karnay kaa hai.
bharat se tou aaj tak aik war nahi jeeti, aur chalay hein politicians ko haranay.

Liberal 000

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
ARmy institution ka kaam politicians se nahi bharat se war karnay kaa hai.
bharat se tou aaj tak aik war nahi jeeti, aur chalay hein politicians ko haranay.

Oh bhai ager politicians ko army harati hai tu jatati bhi army hi ho gi na! It means family limited political companies are not political parties

It's your own weakness and instead of accepting your own weakness you are blaming others like a phapekottini
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