Hamid Mir blinded by hate of CM Usman Buzdar


Senator (1k+ posts)
Hamid Mir blinded by hate of CM Usman Buzdar

Hamid Mir reported that Punjab government arrested three journalists in DI Khan because they were going to expose some corruption but "senior" sahafi did not even knew that DI Khan is in kpk not Punjab



(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
گشتی زاد بدذات نسل کے حرامی را کے دلے اور مافیا کے حرامی راتب خور کو صحافی کہنا صحافیوں کی توہین ہے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Who is Hamid Mir Jafar?...a petty anchor who lives on the "Bones"..of Zardai & Nooras...

What he writes against a CM doesn't make any impact...Remember his "Revolutionary"(?) performances & "Historical" (?)...pridictions.....during Diesel Maulana's "Rent a Dharna"....
Just recalling the memory...of that time would be enough to understand this Indian..agent.
