Halfway to Hell


Senator (1k+ posts)

What you are about to read is nothing more than a figment of my imagination and unrelated to any events anywhere Any similarity to actual World happenings is mere coincidence :)

So Imagine

On a day in the not too distant future, the former "leader" of a third world "banana republic" has just boarded a plane with his beloved heir and princess who adores him like any power grabbing short cut to fame and fortune wealth scheming bitch daughter would do ................ and should

He was undecided until the last minute as to whether he should actually board the plane at all. He had been sentenced in his absence and now the dilemma. After all he could drag things out for months and years through his money connections sycophants and the grindingly slow process of the law in the UK. Instead he had listened (again) to her upon whom he doted often against his own better judgement and honest advice from those still close to him. He was leaving his ailing spouse who had fought for him even when he fled the fight in the old days. Now she was on her deathbed and he had not even refrained from using her demise to further his gains by using it to gain abstentions from appearing before the Courts of his land.

He WAS the now very proud holder of a Unique record. As the three times (s)elected leader of a Nuclear power he also held the hat-trick for being dismissed from office in three different ways...... Dismissed by his own President Dismissed by his Own Chief of Staff and finally the defining moment... By his OWN Judiciary. No other leader could have such a claim to fame in history. His chapter was already written but yet then end was unknown.......

He was leaving on an airline which was NOT the National Airline of the Country of which he was PM not long ago for so many years over three terms. It was shameful in anyone else's eyes but it was irrelevant in his. What did he care about the National Airline or the Nation. His sons were no longer Citizens of his Country and the land of their birth. It was an annoyance inconvenience and almost irrelevant and when it came to push and shove they fled…. So easy to do for them, but it really left Abu and Baji in the shit.

What did matter was that he felt safe with a plane full of "supporters" even though he had paid for all their tickets. When he landed they would be his "power". Admittedly paid for but were loyal for that reason.. They knew who paid their price. That's why they were his "supporters" and loyal to him

He was also reassured that his princess was headed for the same fate as he. PRISON. He knew it was inevitable now but he was doing it for her. She would not be the first woman in his Country to be "politically" victimised. He had done it enough times against his own opponents directly or against their spouses directly or indirectly. Imprisooning women was nothing more than an irritant or nuisance he could live with in his tenure

He would be the FIRST father in Pakistan's history who would take his own daughter to jail with him for his own deeds crimes and wrongdoings. But in his own warped sense of greatness this was a price worth paying regardless of the traditions ethics morals and inheritance of his "Nation" which prided itself on doing whatever was necessary to protect the "honour" of their mothers sisters wives and daughters. She was his princess and despite the "hardships" they may face he believed that he could buy any and all comforts in "jail"....... everyone and everything has a price. His own philosophy

When the Plane took off he was lost in his thoughts holding his Princess's hand as she sat next to him and smiled lovingly cunningly..... conspiring her short cut to power. It was just a matter of setting foot on her homeland and the masses would flock to her and her father destroying and defying all that stood in their way. After all she was their Queen to be. It was only few hours away.......

He had heard his very elderly mother had entered the arena late in the day and would risk health and liberty to meet her hero brave son upon his arrival. His mother was the final push he needed. Her age and health and his love and respect had persuaded him that his time had come to be the "Political" Martyr that he had to be If his princess was to be one day the "leader" he wanted her to be.

His sons had turned out to be more useless than a pair of stale turnips and so he had pinned all his hopes on the brightest of all four of his offspring. Following in the footsteps of his first opponent whom he later supported the "judicial" execution of in the early days of his infancy as a political heavyweight.

Almost Exactly HALF way through the flight home a jolt from the blue. A member of the crew came to him and asked him to come speak to the Captain. He refused thinking it was yet another conspiracy against him from his chosen "Invisibly Enemy " and against whom he had now sworn to fight the "Invisible force" Instead the Captain came to him and stressed the urgency of the matter. He relented and spoke to the Captain in confidence. What he was told was neither good nor bad just useful

The Captain had informed him that he had been instructed to continue with the flight. However he knew that he could land anywhere in an emergency and it would be HIS call What could he do. His wife of decades was almost dead and he could do nothing...... Except use it one last time. He could decide to return to her and no-one would begrudge him this last liberty of power. He asked the pilot to turn back. He had already paid for all the tickets and everything else on the flight.......

So what if it was going to cost even more. The money he had looted was so much that it could not be counted and could certainly not even be dented with the cost of this flight or a thousand like it. He would risk it all to be with the woman who stood by him through all his foibles failings and faults. He felt immense guilt at having left her in the first place. Of course it may have many political benefits too..............

So the Plane turned .......... lost in his thoughts the real shock was yet to come........

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MPA (400+ posts)
beloved heir and princess who adores him like any power grabbing short cut to fame scheming bitch daughter would do ................ and should

best line ever... lol
