Gulabi English of our Politicians


Senator (1k+ posts)
Very stupid video. How many educated persons in media who can speak English?
We should promote our national language. I am agree with root, speaking English is not equal to educated.
Many of our cricketers who are not educated but they can speak English.

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ya well if u guys are familier with the basic education of pakistan, where english is being taught in 7 out of 8 or nine subject, each and everything is is english however these politicians suppose to be atleast BA pass so i m sorry freinds if u dont like this video coz u are one of them who brought all these idiots to these higher posts through ur votes :P


there is another one for u , if this guy cant read then do u think he came out of any school by passing any sort of exam


Senator (1k+ posts)
ya well if u guys are familier with the basic education of pakistan, where english is being taught in 7 out of 8 or nine subject, each and everything is is english however these politicians suppose to be atleast BA pass so i m sorry freinds if u dont like this video coz u are one of them who brought all these idiots to these higher posts through ur votes :P

I am not supporting any politician. It is not necessary to know how to speak English even he has done B.A or M.A. All lawyers are B.A, LLB, can all lawyers speak English?


Voter (50+ posts)
I agree with those who says English is the standard of judging anyones personality. But one must not forget we are presenting a developing country and these so called leaders (puppets) has to encounter English anyway in their life. What they gonna do when they have to speak with foreigners e.g., in any official meeting ? We must upgrade ourselves with the time otherwise there won't be any change in our society as we are experiencing.

One last thing, if you have one such men as a head of Education department what will happen ? don't need to predict look around. Thanks


Minister (2k+ posts)
Forget english they cannot talk proprly even in urdu,thats why i said it before a person should be educated for mna or mpa job where they have to make the law , look after the constitution and its people. Parliament or assemblies are not the hotels where they go for sleep.Are their job is only to make money?


Minister (2k+ posts)
ya well if u guys are familier with the basic education of pakistan, where english is being taught in 7 out of 8 or nine subject, each and everything is is english however these politicians suppose to be atleast BA pass so i m sorry freinds if u dont like this video coz u are one of them who brought all these idiots to these higher posts through ur votes :P

Yaar pehley apney girahbaan mein jhankoo. You can't even spell politicians (yapping)(thumbsdown)


Minister (2k+ posts)
this show how big bunch of idiots ruling this country and the people of Pakistan these people do not deserve any respect. I believe that we have many educated and sincere people who can run this country much much better then these idiots if given chance. But we don;t need chance as we will never get that chance we have to snatch it.


You just made a fool of yourself...first look at your can't even spell politician retard....freaking immigrant kahin ke
well my friend its not about politition or politicians or it not about me being immigrant or not and i can bet u idiot u didnt get a change otherwise u wouldnt be sitting where u are now so called patriotic


Senator (1k+ posts)
should we really laugh on people just because they cannot speak a foreign language? this is so ridiculous and shows how much inferiority complex we still have even after spending 60+ years of independence. for God sake people learn to laugh but stop ridiculing people for what they do not deserve to.


should we really laugh on people just because they cannot speak a foreign language? this is so ridiculous and shows how much inferiority complex we still have even after spending 60+ years of independence. for God sake people learn to laugh but stop ridiculing people for what they do not deserve to.

we dont need to laugh but this is how our system works, all documentations we do are in english. so change our selves or change the whole system to URDU ;)
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Minister (2k+ posts)
should we really laugh on people just because they cannot speak a foreign language? this is so ridiculous and shows how much inferiority complex we still have even after spending 60+ years of independence. for God sake people learn to laugh but stop ridiculing people for what they do not deserve to.
you are right brother that we should not laugh. But you tell me who can change this system of foreign language. the answer is politicians. they can make Urdu as official language but you know why they dont do it becuase they are still under the influence of foreigners. china, japan and other countries are progressing without having english as their official language. They translate all the literature into chinese and japanese and give their students. they forced these english countries to translate all the literature into their language if they want to sell it. you will see chinese, japanese, arabic versions of windows and many other software but you will never see urdu translation. WHY? But for this time our official language is English so these politician should not only learn it but should be master in it to become minister because only this way they would be able to control Bureaucracy and establishment otherwise they will always be under the influence of them. You tell me if they do not know how to read english then how can they understand the document which are brought to their table to sign. how can they know which document they are signing. So what do you think? should we not laugh but of course this laughter has lot of bitterness, sadness and irony in it. we laugh on our luck that we have given our fate and future to these incompetent and dumb people
