Few weeks ago, a friend of mine sent me this picture with a challenge that I would never be able to guess it. Honestly, I am not that good at recognizing faces, but my father has worked in Islamabad bureaucracy all his life and is pretty good at guessing at these kinds of challenges (which usually Azizi gives in Hasb-e-Hall). So I showed him the picture and some limited hints (which my friend had given) but he couldn't guess. Then I showed this picture to my father's friends too and none could guess it. Finally after giving up, I begged my friend to tell me the truth and I was honestly surprised.
Either you know it from having seen the picture before (which is rare, but in that case you will guess it in 2 seconds) --- otherwise you need to be really, really, really good at face reading. You guys are free to ask me any questions. The picture is totally real can be verified by the person in it if you have access to them. Some hints that I was given:
- personality is alive
- is linked with Pak politics
- related to political party who's name starts with "P" (PPP, PMLN, PTI, PAT etc) :P
Prize Money:
I was going to put US $100 as the prize money but I thought on a public forum just flooding random 'tuqqas' would make it very easy... So the rule is that if the personality is guessed in first 20 guesses in total, I will the give the winner $100. For the prize to be valid, a user's first guess will only count.