Government will soon be launching the 5G cellular services - Ahsan Iqbal


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I am sure "Patwaris" will be jumping hear this news. But this stupid Ahsan Iqbal patwari doesn't even know the abcd of telecommunication or development or reforms.

It is not that Pakistan is doing research on this, this is something that they will adopt once it is available.

5G is still under research and is not ready for public. I believe it will take atleast another 4-5 years to make it a viable network and by the time telecom companies & mobile devices adopt this network it will be another 8-10 years.

Do something useful Ahsan Iqbal instead of selling dreams


ISLAMABAD: Highlighting the countrys progress in terms of telecommunication, Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms Ahsan Iqbal said that the government will soon be launching the fifth generation (5G) cellular services soon to ensure faster connectivity.

People who already have access to 3G/4G technology will be able to benefit from the next advanced mobile network technology after the launch of 5G in the near future, he added.

Pakistans 3G, 4G user base rises to 32 million

Speaking at the Pakistan StartUP Cup competition for young entrepreneurs, jointly organised by the U.S Embassy and The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE), he said that Pakistan and US were working on a knowledge corridor under which around 10,000 PhDs from Pakistan will be trained in U.S universities.

Over 950 teams from Lahore, Karachi, Faisalabad, and Islamabad participated in the competition and competed for the prize of Rs1 million.

We have big hopes from our youth, who have the potential to contribute to the development and prosperity of the country, said Iqbal.

G-B to receive 3G/4G services in early 2017

Iqbal said the government had granted Rs250 billion to the Higher Education Commission (HEC) during the last four years for promotion of higher education in the country. The winning team, Cowlar, hailing from Islamabad, developed a start-up plan to sell smart collars for cows designed to help farmers improve herd health, optimise dairy operations, and boost milk yields.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 8th, 2016.
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(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
نواز حکومت جی... میں ترقی کر رہی ہے
Every one is G this government...;)


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Yeh patwariyoon ka paraa likhaa version hai, zara sochein ann parr aur ujad patwariyoon ki soch kya hou gi. Typical mentality of Fiqa e Noonia.


Senator (1k+ posts)
March 2017 dubai or usa men 5 G ki service ki launching honi hai or us k bad 5G cellulor mobile market m ayenge itni tezi se dunia m sab se pehle patwari service lainge ye to mojze se kam nahi..


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
uss 5G service main aap 100 rupees dalwaain gay.. aur balance aaye ga 25 ka.. hai na tarraqi..


Senator (1k+ posts)
پاکستان میں 5 جی سروس شروع کرنے کی تیاری


اسلام آباد: پاکستان میں 5 جی سروس کی تیاریاں شروع ہوگئی ہیں اور وفاقی حکومت نے پالیسی ہدایات بھی جاری کردی ہیں۔
ایکسپریس نیوز کے مطابق 3 اور 4 جی کے بعد اب پاکستانی صارفین 5 جی سروس سے بھی مستفید ہوں گے جس کے لئے باقاعدہ طور پر تیاریاں شروع کردی گئی ہیں۔

ذرائع کے مطابق وفاقی حکومت کی منظوری کے بعد وزارت انفارمیشن اینڈ ٹیکنالوجی نے پی ٹی اے کو 5 جی سروس کا فریم ورک تیار کرنے کی ہدایات جاری کردی ہیں۔ پی ٹی اے فریم ورک تیار کرکے محدود تجرباتی سروس شروع کرے گی جب کہ اس حوالے سے پاکستان میں موجود تمام اسٹیک ہولڈرز سے مشاورت بھی کی جائے گی۔ 2018 میں پاکستان 5 جی سروس مہیا کرنے والے دنیا کے چند ممالک کی فہرست میں شامل ہوجائے گا۔
واضح رہے کہ پاکستان میں اس وقت تھری جی اور فور جی استعمال کرنے والے صارفین کی تعداد 4 کروڑ 40 لاکھ تک پہنچ چکی ہے۔


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: پاکستان میں 5 جی سروس شروع کرنے کی تیاری

Atleast spread the 3G service to all mobile users...
Even 3G is pathetic in most of Pakistan
