Girls Feel Safer with Guys Who Smoke ;)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
It makes perfect sense.
Girls need good relationship and security
Longer the relationship lasts, it deteriorates
If relationship is non smoker, this deterioration will be endless
If relationship is a chain smoker, deterioration period will be short and
girl will the security, you money Mr Chain Smoker

I have therefore decided to have a relationship with a Smoker
All I need now is a thread, how to become a GIRL.

careful beofre you post the link for change of sex,it ony is from boy (old man) to neutral and I don't want to be like AH AH.

sarbakaf - Blogger
It makes perfect sense.

All I need now is a thread, how to become a GIRL.

careful beofre you post the link for change of sex,it ony is from boy (old man) to neutral and I don't want to be like AH AH.

all u need to be a girl is ....
A Hammer ..... and a pump.....
think and u will use a very good use of these two items


Councller (250+ posts)
hahahahah,thats what can be expecting from pakistani guys just chasing girls,can do any thing for girls,depends what type of girls you looking for,the one who like these things,would be gashti


MPA (400+ posts)
A Big piece of Bull Shit,
how foolish and stupid we are
In which era or world we are living??
I strongly condemn this,
What kind of msg we are going to give our youths.

Ciggrete se to khoti nahi phasti yeh larki ki baat kar raha hai.

Stupid post of the week.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
A Big piece of Bull Shit,
how foolish and stupid we are
In which era or world we are living??
I strongly condemn this,
What kind of msg we are going to give our youths.

Ciggrete se to khoti nahi phasti yeh larki ki baat kar raha hai.

Stupid post of the week.

Did you even watch the video before writing all this BS?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
A Big piece of Bull Shit,
how foolish and stupid we are
In which era or world we are living??
I strongly condemn this,
What kind of msg we are going to give our youths.

Ciggrete se to khoti nahi phasti yeh larki ki baat kar raha hai.

Stupid post of the week.

Not sure if you fully understood the ad, but I think it was quite creative. :)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Oh My God!!!

What a bunch of retards!!

The ad means the following.

Smoking makes you impotent jisko urf-e-aam mein Khassi kehtay hein jaahilo!!
The ad promotes no-smoking by implying that smokers are impotent khusraas and hence girls feel safe around them!!

How hard was that to understand??

Aur yahan sab larkion ko gaalian dey rahay hein ... I mean effing lame can people get!!!


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Everybody has girls in their home

I have an idea!

The answer to this thread is very simple.

Everybody has girls in their home. The older girls in the form of mothers, younger ones in the form of either sisters or wife, and the even younger ones as sisters or daughters.

Why don't you ask this question to them and have a very simple answer, instead of getting involved in the useless bakwass on this forum.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I have an idea!

The answer to this thread is very simple.

Everybody has girls in their home. The older girls in the form of mothers, younger ones in the form of either sisters or wife, and the even younger ones as sisters or daughters.

Why don't you ask this question to them and have a very simple answer, instead of getting involved in the useless bakwass on this forum.

Why dont you look up the meaning of 'impotent' in the dictionary and then read the last few lines at the end of the ad?
