GEO News - Distracting Polls - Agenda Unknown


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
I recently came across a poll on asking questions about TTP and Pakistani Agencies from Pakistani people.. I have few questions: Who is making these polls?? the current poll is asking questions about TTP and Pakistani Agencies from Pakistani People.. at one point GEO is referring Taliban as TTP and later GEO is using just Taliban(Afghan) and later GEO moved to Al-Qaida, making an impression that the questions asked above for TTP/Taliban are generally Al-Qaida... what the hell.. on whose agenda they are doing this.. please some how pass these instructions to PEMRA.. And some one should ask the owner of GEO in-person that "don't fuccck with the Pakistani Nation". link to the poll is here

Liberal Fascist


اوئی، طالبان طالبان ہوتی ہے ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ اپگانستان کی ہووے یا پاکستان کی ہووے۔

khan afghan1

Minister (2k+ posts)

اپگانستانFirst know about the history and then jump in .
every tom,**** and Harry is making decision about Afghanistan.Just shut your mouth

Malik Azam

Minister (2k+ posts)
There is no doubt that GEO NETWORK is U.S.A. / INDIA sponsored.
This poll was to show the TTP what cards the Government has up its sleeves, so that they can
adjust their policies according to that.

I am shocked by the participants of the so called POLL ( inside information ) who did not realise
the dangers arising from their opinions. In the first place the participants should have refused to
participate in thisso called POLL which was actually a TRAP.

The message of the participants was " WE ARE A DIVIDED AND SCARED NATION ". The questions
put forward by the established traitor Hamid Meer were not his brain child but cunningly drafted
by the masters / sponsors of GEO NETWORK.

I appeal to all Pakistanis to bicott this channel and demand an inquiry into its financial matters
specially foreign funding and if found guilty should be proceeded against under Article-6 of the

The PML(N) MNA sounded clearly a TTP agent and only one day later he provided TTP the vital
information about TTP prisoners in various jails. PML(N) did not take any action against him despite
the fact that Javed Ibraheem Piracha's claim was denied by the more smarter TTP.

Are we surrounded by the traitors all over the place holding important positions.?
