Gaddafi's Son Wife Burnt the Face of Ethiopian Woman - CNN

sarbakaf - Blogger
Two wrongs do not make a right but who has give authority to CNN etc to judge ?

Its just an effort to deface face of qadafi and family which was already defaced but involvement of NATO will make them a hero like SADDAM.


Minister (2k+ posts)
CNN is open enemy of every muslim in this world.............................My personal opinion and i dont beleive on his propaganda metrial....................sorry to say.........................(omg)(omg)(omg):13:(yapping)(yapping)(yapping)


Minister (2k+ posts)
CNN is open enemy of every muslim in this world.............................My personal opinion and i dont beleive on his propaganda metrial....................sorry to say.........................(omg)(omg)(omg):13:(yapping)(yapping)(yapping)

brother no doubt that CNN are baised and do not do nuteral reporting but, sad to say that cruel muslim rulers have also done all kinds of crimes on their own people as well.

so my take is 50-50 it can be true and it can be wrong ,

true because its no secret that mulim rulers have been involved in all kind of crimes including killings of their own people including pakistan

and it can be false because CNN is not totally reliable in my opinion , many times their reporting proved to be biased as well.


Minister (2k+ posts)
brother no doubt that cnn are baised and do not do nuteral reporting but, sad to say that cruel muslim rulers have also done all kinds of crimes on their own people as well.

So my take is 50-50 it can be true and it can be wrong ,

true because its no secret that mulim rulers have been involved in all kind of crimes including killings of their own people including pakistan

and it can be false because cnn is not totally reliable in my opinion , many times their reporting proved to be biased as well.

آپ نے کبھی کسی سنپرے کو سانپ کی شکایات کرتے دیکھا یا سنا ہے ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

اس کا نام ہے

c n n


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
qaddafi, like all world leaders, past present and future, did great things for some people, while simultaneously abusing the rights of others that were outside his favor

two wrongs do not make a right; however, what cnn fails to do is list all the libyan civilian burn victims as a result of nato/usa/uk bombing raids and missle strikes. of course that will never happen because like all other western media outlets, cnn is nothing more than a mouthpiece of those who authorized the bombing raids and missile strikes in the first place