Freedom of speech


When u Attack BLACK People,they call it Racism. When u Attack JEWISH People, they call it Anti-semetism. When u attack WOMEN, they call it Sexism. When you Attack HOMOSEXUALITY, they call it Intolerance. When you Attack ur COUNTRY, they call it Terrorism. When u Attack a RELIGIOUS Sect, they call it Hate-Speech. But when they Attack our Prophet MOHAMMAD "Peace Be Upon Him",they Want to call it FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
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Senator (1k+ posts)
I think our people and government have responded well. This is how a dignified and honourable nation should react.


MPA (400+ posts)
very very right... its all about their mentality about Islam and Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad pbuh. They are Just Ill-Minded about Islam... But agar ye sochtay hain k in k aesa karnay se Muslims Gumrah Ho jaen ge to ye unki bhool hai... They Have to Pay for this Inshallah very soon.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
When u Attack BLACK People,they call it Racism. When u Attack JEWISH People, they call it Anti-semetism. When u attack WOMEN, they call it Sexism. When you Attack HOMOSEXUALITY, they call it Intolerance. When you Attack ur COUNTRY, they call it Terrorism. When u Attack a RELIGIOUS Sect, they call it Hate-Speech. But when they Attack our Prophet MOHAMMAD "Peace Be Upon Him",they Want to call it FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

One of the best reply to give them shut up call . A very good responce you'd given


MPA (400+ posts)
Islam is not a race and i dont think any religion is beyond criticism. and no one is "attacking" our prohet they are drawing him just like they draw jesus, budha or any other religious figure.
from their point of view there is no harm in doing that. i think v should be more tolerant as a nation and as muslims. do what the prophet (PBUH) did when people threw stones at him. did he order his army to throw stones at them..he showed how tolerant he was and thats what v need to show now.
ever wonder why pakistan is the only country that banned facebook over that page? why is this country getting so intolerant ? why werent there mass demonstrations in other muslim countries. i have many arab friends and they didnt like the page either but you know what they do? they ignore it? thats what i did. i dont like someone draw our prophets cartoons so i just dont go there and watch those cartoons. the more attention v give them the more similar groups there would be everywhere.

moadhia - Blogger
Islam is not a race and i dont think any religion is beyond criticism. and no one is "attacking" our prohet they are drawing him just like they draw jesus, budha or any other religious figure.
from their point of view there is no harm in doing that. i think v should be more tolerant as a nation and as muslims. do what the prophet (PBUH) did when people threw stones at him. did he order his army to throw stones at them..he showed how tolerant he was and thats what v need to show now.
ever wonder why pakistan is the only country that banned facebook over that page? why is this country getting so intolerant ? why werent there mass demonstrations in other muslim countries. i have many arab friends and they didnt like the page either but you know what they do? they ignore it? thats what i did. i dont like someone draw our prophets cartoons so i just dont go there and watch those cartoons. the more attention v give them the more similar groups there would be everywhere.

I agree !!


Senator (1k+ posts)
The west will not attack as long as the muslim practice their religion, BUT if you try to implement the islamic laws in your own lands THAT WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. Keep the fraud system left over from the colonialist pigs, with criminal family owned system of ZARADAI,CHOWEDRIES,MALIKS and the rats.
Serving the criminal jew run empire is the purpose of every muslim in the 21 st century.



Councller (250+ posts)
Dont worry. One day they will be muslims as well ....... Inshalla

If you go back in history the Non muslim harmed and created a lot of problems for the muslims and the Holy PROPHETpbuh. But God always helped the Muslim against them. It was just hapening because the Islam was spreading all around the world.
And once again they are upset because the Islam is gonna be a biggest religen.
And this should be our AQEDA they cant stop it. ( Islam)
Just pray and try to be a true Muslim.



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
When u Attack BLACK People,they call it Racism. When u Attack JEWISH People, they call it Anti-semetism. When u attack WOMEN, they call it Sexism. When you Attack HOMOSEXUALITY, they call it Intolerance. When you Attack ur COUNTRY, they call it Terrorism. When u Attack a RELIGIOUS Sect, they call it Hate-Speech. But when they Attack our Prophet MOHAMMAD "Peace Be Upon Him",they Want to call it FREEDOM OF SPEECH.



Senator (1k+ posts)
Thats what they call that religion is not beyond criticism. Well you may criticize but in your own community and not in a public forum. Do you or do anyone find it humane or ethical to desecrate Hindu Gods and Goddesses in whom we don't believe to begin with? Certainly when there are Christians or Jews around we don't say nasty things about them. These are evolving levels of decency and courtesy that are practiced throughout the world. And my dear Islam is not a race but Muslims are the second largest community in the world. Which international law or code of ethics allow certain people to hurt the feelings of such a large community , just in the name of freedom of speech?
Why don't they talk of holocaust denials? Although the victims were Jews but they were supposedly victimized for their Judaism. So indirectly they are protecting the Jewish rights. It implies that Jewish notion of 'gentiles' is being materialized. If they can take into account certain issues which are sensitive to a group of forty million Jews then how can they ignore the sensitivities of more than a billion Muslims?

Believe me, that we have to protest. We to have to protest with unity and peace and in a dignified way. We are Pakistanis, we are citizens of a nation state created in the name of Islam. We are different from others (Arabs, Persians and Turks). Our sole identity is Islam. So it is our national and moral obligation to show the whole world that we stand for the honour of our Holy Prophet (PBUH). The Prophet who honoured a Jewish daughter as if she was his own daughter.
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Councller (250+ posts)
By closing you eyes problems dont go away.
So i must disagree with you tiger54. What the pakistan high court did was a minimal responce.
Dont think this is just the west doing what they normaly do. This is a very thought out move by them. They judge our love of Rasoollah through these acts. They know a muslim is no threat to them, when the love of Rasoolallah is removed from his/her heart.

Have you forgot how the Sahaba used to react against any gusthahi against Rasoolallah. They asked for permission to take his head off. They didnt close their eyes and hope the person went away.


Murshad Jee

Dont think this is just the west doing what they normaly do. This is a very thought out move by them. They judge our love of Rasoollah through these acts. They know a muslim is no threat to them, when the love of Rasoolallah is removed from his/her heart.

I totally agree with you Brother as the same thing Allama Muhammed Iqbal said:

ابلیس کا فرمان اپنے سیاسی فرزندوں کے نام

لا کر برہمنوں کو سیاست کے پیچ میں

زناریوں کو دیر کہن سے نکال دو

وہ فاقہ کش کہ موت سے ڈرتا نہیں ذرا

روح محمد pbuh اس کے بدن سے نکال دو

فکر عرب کو دے کے فرنگی تخیلات

اسلام کو حجاز و یمن سے نکال دو

افغانیوں کی غیرت دیں کا ہے یہ علاج

ملا کو ان کے کوہ و دمن سے نکال دو

اہل حرم سے ان کی روایات چھین لو

آہو کو مرغزار ختن سے نکال دو

اقبال کے نفس سے ہے لالے کی آگ تیز

ایسے غزل سرا کو چمن سے نکال دو

علامہ محمد اقبال
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Islam is not a race and i dont think any religion is beyond criticism. and no one is "attacking" our prohet they are drawing him just like they draw jesus, budha or any other religious figure.
from their point of view there is no harm in doing that. i think v should be more tolerant as a nation and as muslims. do what the prophet (PBUH) did when people threw stones at him. did he order his army to throw stones at them..he showed how tolerant he was and thats what v need to show now.
ever wonder why pakistan is the only country that banned facebook over that page? why is this country getting so intolerant ? why werent there mass demonstrations in other muslim countries. i have many arab friends and they didnt like the page either but you know what they do? they ignore it? thats what i did. i dont like someone draw our prophets cartoons so i just dont go there and watch those cartoons. the more attention v give them the more similar groups there would be everywhere.

I understand you are being liberal but being a follower it behooves me even listen to anything that is said against my beloved. I am sure the same liberalism does not work when it is our own self which comes under target. We will continue to raise out voices and there is definately no tolerance against drawings of the Holy Prophet. And if you read history (ISLAMIC that is)
the you would understand that this is how the ummat has always responded and this is for sure what ALLAH Subhanahu Wa taala wants from every person who professes to be a follower of Islam. Kindly refrain from hurting the feelings of Muslims.

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This is an important issue and good that we are discussing it logically and with reason. True that no other person on the face of this earth in past or future was or will be more tolerant and patient than the Prophet Mohammad (SAWWS) and this was one of the Nishanian which the Jews of that era knew about the last messenger, and true that our beloved prophet never ever sent any one to harm a non muslim for any reason at all. True that we should follow in the foot steps of our leader, but it is also true that we need to take some steps like banning the facebook, do not worry about what other muslim countries are doing in this matter for we have to answer for our deeds. Having said that I think, we should also visit forums and politely and officially register our protest, using peaceful means.
I would also invite the opinion of other members to use the same logic and apply it to the use of bombing and killing innocent muslims and non muslims in the name of Islam as being done by some extremist elements and denounce it too.
