Every party at province level is doing different, different directions, pakistan needs central controlled system or presidential system under Good Honest leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan and Judicary, Nab,, education, Police all needs to be under the prime minister. So he can hold them accountable. The current system province cant do anything without federal and federal cant do anything without province. One party is different direction and the other party different direction. 18th amendments is rubbish should be abolished.
Shareef Insaan
Councller (250+ posts)
Every party at province level is doing different, different directions, pakistan needs central controlled system or presidential system under Good Honest leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan and Judicary, Nab,, education, Police all needs to be under the prime minister. So he can hold them accountable. The current system province cant do anything without federal and federal cant do anything without province. One party is different direction and the other party different direction. 18th amendments is rubbish should be abolished.
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