Florida church to hold Burn a Qur'an Day on 9/11


Voter (50+ posts)
Yes, it appears to have come to this: A religious institution protesting the allegedly retrograde outlook of a rival faith has adopted the medieval practice of book-burning which has also been revived among Iran's militant Islamic mullahs.

The Dove World Outreach Center, based in Gainesville, Fla. led by Terry Jones, author of the book "Islam Is of the Devil" is planning to mark the upcoming anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks by staging a Koran burning. Church leaders are calling it the "International Burn a Koran Day" a curious approach to promoting the idea of world outreach.

Maggie Hyde of the Religion News Service reported that the self-described "New Testament, Charismatic, Non-Denominational Church" has taken to Facebook to spread the word of its anti-Islam protest. According to Hyde, Jones and his colleagues drew inspiration for the event from the Facebook page encouraging people to draw pictures of Mohammed. Jones said that supporters of the idea have already started mailing in copies of the Koran for the church to burn.

The church is also crusading against Gainesville's openly gay mayor. It plans to hold a "No Homo Mayor" protest outside Gainesville City Hall on Aug. 2.

Muslims are sure to protest the mass burning, which comes on the heels of a recent wave of anti-mosque protests in the United States. But if the militant Christians staging the event take the time to inspect the contents of the Koran before consigning the book to the flames, they might be in for a bit of a shock:The Koran actually mentions Jesus 25 times, recognizing him as a prophet born to a virgin mother, and a righteous messenger of God.



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Americans dont care much about religion. So these guys are trying to get free and cheep publicity to get famous. InshaAllah the very same people will end up accepting Islam, Ameen.

Just like the Dutch MP and Bilbinder Singh of India
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Americans dont care much about religion. So these guys are trying to get free and cheep publicity to get famous. InshaAllah the very same people will end up accepting Islam, Ameen.

Just like the Dutch MP and Bilbinder Singh of India

and same like in switzerland against Minara of masjid committe member become a Muslim.........................Insha'Allah
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its a shame on all of us if we watch our Quran burning and then wait for these people to become muslims.

we should protest to this insane acts they only bring hate and voilance to the society.
we should arrange protest together. if we can not then atleast be part of these protests.



Minister (2k+ posts)
its a shame on all of us if we watch our Quran burning and then wait for these people to become muslims.

we should protest to this insane acts they only bring hate and voilance to the society.
we should arrange protest together. if we can not then atleast be part of these protests.


Iman lane ke baad har insaan ko only apne Aamal per shame karna chiye nake other person ke kisi Gunah per shamefull act ............other weise protest or agitation its not a slutiion every time but Hikmat and Tabligh........................u Imagin after 9/11 world know more about Islam but not about muslim............thats is very new turnd in world .........................think again and once again..... whats Allah( RABBUL IZZAT) say in Quran.............Aur hum tumhari jaga kisi or Koum ko le ayenge...............agar tum samjho to ye tumhare liye behtar he...................


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
It’s time to say NO to Secularism and Democracy,
say NO to Western agents who are imposing Western Agenda on us
Brothers/Sisters, I saw some people on Pakistani media talk about USA and they are really really impressed. Please watch and decide that

Another retard on this site...What does this have to do with USA? The USA government is not hosting this event...U cannot hold a governmetn responsible for the doings of a certain idiots...and u pal is the biggest idiot on this site...
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Another red neck !!!
They should bring this video on Pakistani Media and see our leaders reaction to it.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Brother by these videos they want to incite normal american muslims catch them & punish them. We should give dawah to them with wisdom & patience. As we are worst salesman of this religion thats why they dont know about ISLAM. After 9/11 many non muslims have turned to ISLAM, so good side is that Preachers like Brother Yousuf Estes have entered into Islam. Who knows that preacher in video might turn to islam. Dont paint all americans as same from this video, there are bad people amongst every nation. I have firm believe that WAMA KARO WAMA KARALLAH WALLAHO KHAIRUL MAKIREEN. They are trying to stop Islam but it is spreading v fast.
Just we have to correct ourselves as if we dont do our job right, ALLAH dont need us, HE will raise another group of people who will spread Islam the way ALLAH wants. I hope u got my point. We should be cautious to these actions & videos & respond reasonably not to raise issues that muslims are wild & killers.
Yes we should protest to this, but with decency. ALLAH knows best.. Jaza-k-ALLAH


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Another retard on this site...What does this have to do with USA? The USA government is not hosting this event...U cannot hold a governmetn responsible for the doings of a certain idiots...and u pal is the biggest idiot on this site...

wow u ppl ha r u pato of us


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Another retard on this site...What does this have to do with USA? The USA government is not hosting this event...U cannot hold a governmetn responsible for the doings of a certain idiots...and u pal is the biggest idiot on this site...

What Pakistan has to do with 911, NATO casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq? Why Pakistan is blamed for Terrorist activities?

What American Govt. is doing to stop those idiots?
What Pakistan has to do with 911, NATO casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq? Why Pakistan is blamed for Terrorist activities?

What American Govt. is doing to stop those idiots?

nobody blames Pakistani government for 9/11...nobody blames NATO casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq on Pakistani Government...nobody blames the government of Pakistan for terrorist activities...r u another fool on this site? Blaming Pakistani's for terrorist activities is not the same as blaming the Pakistani gvernment...I have brekaing news for u...u are another retard on this site...


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم

nobody blames Pakistani government for 9/11...nobody blames NATO casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq on Pakistani Government...nobody blames the government of Pakistan for terrorist activities...r u another fool on this site? Blaming Pakistani's for terrorist activities is not the same as blaming the Pakistani gvernment...I have brekaing news for u...u are another retard on this site...

Mr. Brown, we read newspapers with open eyes and listen news bulletin with open ears.
Mr. Brown, we read newspapers with open eyes and listen news bulletin with open ears

It's good you read newspapers with open eyes...I thought you read them with eyes shut...Bravo! U are officially a retard...


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
It's good you read newspapers with open eyes...I thought you read them with eyes shut...Bravo! U are officially a retard...

Mr Brown and his thoughts (thumbsdown)



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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Well, it's amaizing how educated people also treat Islam based on what's being done in Islamic countries currently ruled by non-sense. Islam teaches the following:

- Respect & care for all humanity
- Peace & tolerance
- Education & welfare
- Equality and truthfulness
