Federal Minister for Tourism With 0 experience in tourism


Federal Minister for Tourism

With 0 experience in tourism.

Maulana Atta-ur-Rehman

Minister for Tourism


Maulana Atta-ur-Rehman
Minister for Tourism

Personal Profile
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Abdul Khel D.I Khan

Shahadat-ul-Alamia: (Wifaq-ul-Madaris-ul-Arabia)
Qasim-ul-Uloom, Multan, 1987
Master of Arts (Islamiat)
Gomal University D.I Khan, 1996
From 1998-1998
He Taught in the religious Institute Jamia-tul-Maarif-Alsharia, D.I Khan. He was the In-charge of that Institute too.
Active Politic
Party: Jamiat-e-Ulama-e-Islam
Election Commissioner for D.I Khan District

Joint Sectary, JUI, NWFP
Party Election Commissioner for NWFP Province
Joint Secretary, JUI, NWFP
President / Ameer, JUI, Dist. D.I.Khan
Vice President / Naib Ameer, JUI, NWFP
2006 till now​

Parliamentary Experience
In 2002:
He was elected as a member of National Assembly of Pakistan from NA-25 D.I.Khan / Tank and played active role in opposition.
In 2008:
He was again elected as MNA from the same constituency NA-25 D.I.Khan/Tank and his party nominated him as Federal Minister


New Member
This is perfectly alright, if Awam wants to elect him, then good luck to this stupid Awam, this is not Maulana's fault.

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
When NS became the CM of punjab for the first time he had what kind of experience? when BB became the PM for the first time what kind of experience did she have in politics? when MK became the nazim what kind of administrative experience did he have? Please lets not discriminate just because he is a maulana! though his stature demands a different approach.


This is not about Experience friends ...this is all about Vision and Knowledge is the main source of it.So we need Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman Not Maulana Atta-ur-Rehman


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
very ba-noor sheikh

I hope he does a good job. looks and his qualifications sound better than Zardari

Zeeshan Khan

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
I hate these Maulvi’s at such posts. Seriously a Mullah as a Minister for Tourism. I mean it was Mullah’s that created hype about when a former Minister did a sky dive for a charity purposes. Tourism is a field which involves a lot of foreign guests. I am not being mocking but I wonder after the common perceptions about our society, how would foreigners feel when they are greeted by a bulky bearded man. They just might mistake him as a ‘Taliban trap’.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
When NS became the CM of punjab for the first time he had what kind of experience? when BB became the PM for the first time what kind of experience did she have in politics? when MK became the nazim what kind of administrative experience did he have? Please lets not discriminate just because he is a maulana! though his stature demands a different approach.

Beg to differ Star, you might be missing the point.
When NS became CM he had already worked as FM Punjab and when he was made FM Punjab, he had no work experience but a financial background.
If Moulana was made Minister for Religious Affairs, there would probably be no criticism but Minister for Tourism ....


MPA (400+ posts)
well ministers dont do nothing anyways, real work is done by establishment, the departmental secretaries, federal and provincial and other grade 18 and above people. Ministers aonly sign those files and look pretty in front of camera.

I have a question though; All those media terrorsits, anchor persons and columnists etc, have any body ever asked any question about their degrees and experience etc.? How many of those hold any degree in Journalism or communication? what is their experience? they seem to question every body but never declare their personal credentials?


Senator (1k+ posts)
For all those who think it is ok to have this guy (he is brother of the useless Maulan Fazle Rehman), you need to listen to this guys ideas of tourism and then think how many people would really like to come to Pakistan. Same if all airline started hiring ugly guys and girls for flgiht attendents poistion, see how fast that airline goes down the tube. His IQ level is for teaching in Maderassa nothing more.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
whats strange in that news?

zardari has no education of politics but he is MESSING UPWITH WHOLE COUNTRY

PM has no experience of even governing a province but he is PM

Interior minister is risk to security and Law minister is a culprit why to blame just this guy....

although he isnt that poor yar


Hey Mr Zeeshan khan shame on you ,when u are talking about bear like this .The people like you are the shit of foreigners who deserve the kick on your ass.

Just get lost from this country and live with their dogs and pigs. you are not a muslim for sure, you are a pig.bcose no muslim insult the bear like this.

Finally I want to remind you that jeb too pedah hooa ho ga to kisi molvi ne tere kan mein AzAN di ho gi,aur jeb too mere ga teb koi molvi hi tera jenaza perhai ga (perhaps) ya jep mere ga to kisi gorey se jenaza perwa laina...
