Federal Govt must renegotiate its ruinous deal with the IMF - Bilawal


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Tong worrier Billo Rani...there is no time for empty Lip service.
We know that Your statement prepared by some paid patwari.....& you just recite like a parrot...even not knowing what you are saying.
Better go to Sheikh Rashid....have some good time....worthless creature....

Ali Sha

Senator (1k+ posts)
Wtf is wrong with you guys. I voted PTI but this guy is absolutely right. We should renegotiate our package. It doesn't matter at this time if his father is 10 percent or if he is homosexual or not. I wouldn't be so swallowed in my hate for him. What he is suggesting is the need of the hour. PLEASE FUCKING RENEGOTIATE OTHERWISE MANY PEOPLE WILL GO BELOW THE POVERTY LINE.
