Fawad Chaudhry reveals Mehmood Khan Achakzai's real face

Abdul Haadi

Senator (1k+ posts)
Thank you Ch. Fawad for speaking up, this is why Amir Liaqat Hussain couldn't have keep you in Express Tv they like anchors like Jawaid Ch.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
ARY+Mubashar Shitaan+Sabir Shatir+Fawad Ch+Padri Fraudiya+Ch Brothers++_Sheikhu Nosar baaz=====NO CREDIBILITY ====


Minister (2k+ posts)

Haris Abbasi

Minister (2k+ posts)
گزشتہ چند دنوں سے مجهے فواد چودہری کے تخزیے نے بہت متواجہ کیا ہے


MPA (400+ posts)
I don't know why we give so much importance to buildings. If a women is gangraped in this country, no one speaks. if a woman is buried alive no one (champion of democracy) speaks so loud..Innocent people are killed no one speaks but a building grill is broken, it's blasphemy... no respect for human values but for bricks.

As for Ziarat residency, it's is our heritage and should be respected. It has earned its value because our Quaid lived there. Parliament building will be symbolic only if thieves are kept away from it


Minister (2k+ posts)
They are criminals got together for their survival. They all know elections is rigged but don't want to go back and get clean mandate.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
محمود اچکزئی اپنی تقریر میں جس طرح حضور اکرم نبی کریم کا براہ راست نام لیتا رہا یہ شخص تو مسلمان ہی نہیں لگتا ، یہ تو غیر مسلموں کا طرز تکلم ہے
