I am strong supporter of PTI. I agree with Parvez Rasheed (PMLN) that delicate matters should not be discussed in media.
Everyone wants peace and every political party is on one page to solve terrorism with dialogue and military action as a part of political strategy.
But as our society is very extremist, there are religious extremists and on the other hand apparent enlightened moderated extremists, we should realize our enemy is not clear so we can go and destroy them when these criminal terrorists attack our mosques, churches etc.
Criminal terrorists have no religion, they have no humanity, they are worse than animals, they are mercenaries who are ready to kill, murder and bomb for money, they are using and exploiting religion as a shield, they are disguised so they are powerful, we can only defeat by dialogues so we can separate them that Why they are fighting?
We have already sacrificed a lot, we need to be patient and believe in whom we have voted.
By talking in media or in streets that we should teach them lesson and tame them or we should seek only political peaceful solution is never going to bring peace, we need to trust our leadership they will pull us out of quagmire of terrorism managed and funded by our apparent allies and so called well wishers.