Dear brother digitalzygot
Assalam-o-alaikum. Brother they dont have to persuade masses to accept their theory, they have control over all the leaders of world. When they say EITHER YOU ARE WITH US OR AGAINST US, all leaders comply (with v few exceptions). So these videos are just for leaders of the world to support their decission that they are at war against unseen terrorists specially ISLAMIC MILITANTS.. Got the idea.. Make people so much scared that they will accept any leadership who will give them security at any cost & that only that leadership can give people security. This is beginning of NEW WORLD ORDER, peace where there will be no law of jungle.... etc etc etc.. Famous speech of Bush senior..
Remember what Mr Zardari said in China that without China New world Order is difficult.. ???? Why he said that??
In pakistan there is same story, made people suffer so much that they will start screaming & accept that do what ever u want to do just give us peace. Insert chips in our body, minds, passports, NICs & install CCTV cameras all round, just give us security. When this happen u will be a slave monitored by master on every move.. Wait & see. They will not catch Osama, Zawahiri or any so called masterminds, these are baits to persue their evil plan.
Soon in India or USA they will excercise another 9/11 act to improve their ratings as well as confirming second term.. See some government members suggesting Obama to stage another 9/11 & oklahoma bombing incident & in result it will improve his rating & confirms second term.
They are conducting anti terrorism drills in chicago & other states for fake subway attack & airplane crash... Same india is yelling of another incident similar to mombay attack.. You know that London bombing was similar to an anti-terrorist drill made by british govt & private security consultant companies aired on BBC PANAROMA program just before the actual incident.
Their own soldier have leaked the video of killing in Iraq, similarly their own soldiers have leaked photos of abusing women, children in iraq.. This is good news as these incident hurts their evil plan.
There is another video to be leaked soon of killing in afghanistan on a wedding by wikileaks, still they will not accept that video as their mistake same they did with the iraq killing video. On this same forum Fawad supported that video... They are threatening wikileak president to handover sources of these leaks videos, also they are trying to capture that hacker who decoded those encrypted videos.. Wait for more news but ALLAH knows best..
In last i can say that never to loose hope as always write this ayat WAMA KARO WAMA KARALLAH WALLAHO KHAIRUM MAKIREEN..